Irishsetter’s Canine Credofor Precision Shooters

by | Feb 23, 2024

Know When To Say When: Drinking and precision shooting don’t mix.  Period.  Feel free to imbibe to your heart’s content once you’ve colored up.

Clothes Make the Man (or Woman): You don’t have to be a slouch, but wear clothes that allow for freedom of movement.  Weather permitting, short sleeves are preferable. Comfortable shoes are a must!

Float Like A Butterfly, Sting Like A Bee: If you’re going to eat prior to playing, eat a light meal.  Use the comp you earn while at the tables to chow down after you’re done playing.  Tangentially, use the restroom before you hit the tables.  Ever seen someone who really has to use the restroom, but there’s a hot roll occurring?  It’s not pretty.

Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness: Keep your hands clean and dry while you play, and your nails trimmed.  Make your momma proud.

Money Changes All The Iron Rules Into Rubber Bands: Tip the dealers.  Tip them before, during and after your hand at shooting.  Not only have I seen hard and fast “no dice setting” rules relaxed because of a few bets for “the boys”, it’s good karma, and if they are providing you with good service, they deserve it.

Oh Behave! You are a guest of the casino, just as if you are a guest at someone’s house.  Treat the other guests and the casino staff with respect. (even if it is undeserved)

Money Talks, Bullshit Walks: Arrive at the tables adequately bankrolled, with firm win/loss stop thresholds and abide by them for every session you play. 

Single White Dice Master Seeks Submissive Craps Table For Pleasure and Punishment :   Discipline.  I speak about it often.  If you seek pleasure at the craps table, you must arrive disciplined and focused.  You are there for your pleasure and your pleasure alone.   You need not prove your skills to anyone else, nor are you obligated to perform your skills for the pleasure or profit of others.   Radiate quiet confidence and good humor.

Formal Education Will Earn You A Living, Self-Education Will Earn You A Fortune:   No matter how well you know the game, there will always be more to know.  Be open-minded enough to learn from others.  Be willing to teach others what you know.

