Secrets Of The Table Lay Out

by | Feb 24, 2024

What you need to understand is that the game of Craps is designed to tempt you into making wagers to “The House” advantage for the sake of getting a quick result.  ALL proposition bets in the center of the table are structured heavily in favor of “The House”. 

If you want to learn quickly what NOT TO DO then listen to the calls of the Stickman.  He (She) is the one who temps you into placing bets on 7, 11, Ace Deuce, 12, Any Craps, Craps/Eleven (C and E), Horn Bets and the Hardways. 

All proposition bets in the center of the table lay out range from 9.09% to 16.67% in favor of “The House”.   This is where you want to throw money away.  As for the Hardways… NEVER place money on the hard 4 or 10 (House take is 11.1%) whereas, Hard 6 and 8 house take is only 9.09%… why throw two percent to “The House” even if your point on the Pass Line is 4 or 10?

Note also how close the table lay out design features The Field bet… House take here is 2.77% and is a self service wager that is easily dealt to by the dealers AND there is a result here on every roll which just compounds player losses.  (Oddly enough The Field is a better wager on most tables than Place Bets on the 5 or 9 and 4 or 10 AND even Buy Bets on the 4 or 10).

The easily accessible Big 6 and 8 also provide a handsome 9.09% advantage to “The House” which makes them just as attractive as any proposition bet in the center of the lay out.  NOTE:  Big 6 and 8 (In the Corner) do not exist in Atlantic City casinos as they are outlawed by New Jersey gaming regulations!

Note also, on the table lay out that “The House” discourages Don’t Bets by placing the wager box away from the players.   Don’t bets are very slightly to the Players advantage over Pass Line Bets but more importantly are more difficult to service by the dealers and tend to slow the game down.

In simple terms… the table lay out and the calls of the stickman (woman) tempt you into making wagers that are high on “House Take” whereas there are better and smarter wagers to be made.  You should not allow your IMPATIENCE to tempt you into making unwise wagers for the sake of getting an immediate result (usually a LOSS).

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The Internet Resource for Serious Craps Players


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