Are You Ready To Play?

by | Feb 24, 2024

There are many techniques used to influence the player. Free alcohol, comps, attractive women, loud music, noisy machines and an atmosphere of excitement are just a few of the obvious ones.

Casinos are designed with one purpose in mind, to keep the players within their clutches. Some of the casinos are virtual mazes trapping you inside and without a map, you can wander aimlessly searching for the way out.

Casinos rev on energy unlike any other business or entertainment. The energy churns at a pace several notches above that found outside of the casino. Again, this is all by design to manipulate and influence the customers.

Only in Las Vegas can one experience Venice, Paris, Rome, the Middle East and a Polynesian paradise all in a two-mile strip. The elaborate plan, all with the intention of taking you from your comfort zone into the comfort zone of the casino.

When entering the arena of play, you are truly out numbered and out-gunned. The casino has unlimited funds and more gaming tables and machines than the 30,000 plus players arriving each day can put a dent in.

Your only hope is to play smarter and not harder. You must be ready to play emotionally, physically and financially. Your ability to remain in your comfort zone upon entering the casino is the challenge every player faces. Casinos control the environment and the games. The player’s only defense is to control herself or himself.

 Critical to being prepared for play is self-discipline. Having the ability of self control takes away from the blatant manipulation found in most casinos. Acknowledging a readiness to play requires the player to be honest with their feelings and have the discipline to act on the information.

Perhaps one trap is an anxiousness to get as much playing time in during a three-day trip for example. Too often the case, most players are eager to get into action before they are ready. Some can scarcely wait to de-board the plane to play the “loose” machines at the airport.

 You are better off to act with the discipline of the patient hunter. Here is a checklist to consider before entering the casino, designed to minimize or eliminate losing sessions.

 Do not play if: 

You are tired. Traveling takes a great deal of energy, physically and emotionally. Never play when you are not physically up for the game.

  • You are not feeling well. If you are, ill or coming down with a cold it is an indication of low energy. Never play if you are unwell.
  • You are emotionally upset. Emotions are powerful and can influence negative behavior. If you are angry, depressed or experiencing other negative emotions do not play. Negative emotions express lower energy and will be a determent to your game.
  • You need money. Playing with “scared money” or with money that you consciously do not have to risk is an absolute no-no. This invokes an emotion of lack and desperateness, not one of abundance and limitlessness. You must play with money that you are prepared to risk and possibly lose. There must not be any charge of negative emotion on your bankroll. Detachment is imperative with a confidence of knowing that you are an expert at your game. Detachment doe not mean not caring or whimsical. It is the detachment of emotion from outcomes, losing or winning.
  • You are not ready. This requires an honest check-in asking yourself if you are ready to play. It is not the same thing as wanting to play. Perhaps you are feeling anxious and behind that is a feeling of insecurity or fear. Fear to enter the game is valid and it needs to be honored and looked at. It is easy to ignore fear as fear is uncomfortable and thus hard to accept. Never play if you are not 100% ready to enter the game. Have the discipline to be honest with yourself and have the courage to walk away if you are not truly ready to play. 
  • You do not find a game. Do not jump into the first game that you come to. Examine what is going on in the whole casino and assess the situation before committing. Perceive the energy and the action. Is it a winning atmosphere or does it feeling like a losing or negative atmosphere? Ask questions. What is going on here? Is there a winning game here for me? Do I like what I feel and see? Do feel honored? How the unseen energy feels to you is information, use it to your advantage. The casinos never close. There will always be a game. It is your job to find it. Be disciplined, some times you will have to walk away. 
  • You perceive a message not to play. Life is coming at you constantly. It is possible to get a glimpse of life before experiencing it in real time. The information comes as metaphors. You notice something that you see or hear and it translates into information as a feeling or your little voice whispering to you, “not now, not this game”. I do not present this strategy to cause you paranoia or make you crazy about everything little thing. You get a subliminal message. Does it have application for the immediate task at hand? Here is an example: Once when entering a casino the door would not open when I pulled on it. My immediate reaction was “oh, no, I am being warned not to enter”. Enter I did, I played and I lost. 

In addition to a personal check-in, know your way around the casino. It plays to the intimidation factor if you do not know where you are. Walk around an unfamiliar casino.

Take your time to learn the layout. Find the bathrooms, the lounge, restaurants, the cashier and especially the closest exit. The casino is a place for your enjoyment. You must feel comfortable and safe in order to play in comfort.

Take your time before entering a game. You have all the time in the world. Never rush or push to make something happen. After learning your way around and going through your check-in, then you should know if you are ready to play.

 Casinos control the show, for the most part. At least you can be in control of you.

Michael “The Professor” Vernon

Playing 4 Keeps®  
