Taking the Table’s Temperature

Ask any group of craps players what constitutes a “hot” or “cold” table and you are likely to get a variety of answers.  Most veteran players can recognize a sizzling hot or ice-cold table.  Oh the other hand, the majority of the players in the game misread...

Putting New Spins on Old Systems

Someone is always coming up with exotic plays based on “due numbers,” the “law of averages,” or the “law of large numbers.”   Often these plays involve placing all of the box numbers on the layout – leaving that action up for a specific number of rolls, then...

Beyond Advantage Play

A while back a good friend of mine complained that – after years of practice the best he could achieve was an SRR of 7.12.  To his way of thinking he was not playing with enough of an edge, and his results at the table seemed to support this.  He just wasn’t...

Heavy’s Axis Power Craps

Practice Plan The Warm-Up: To be an effective precision shooter you must take time to train.  Since dice control involves physical movement, the first thing you should do is take time to warm up a bit.  The purpose of the warm up is to increase the blood...

The Hard 8

Why do I gamble? It’s not for entertainment – though often it is entertaining. It’s not so I can tip the dealers and show what a good sport I am. I play to win. It’s not just a goal. It’s the only goal. The rest of it — the comps, the excitement, the...