Elephants Never Forget…

You all know the timeless adage: Elephants never forget.  We use it when we let people know that some event or comment will always be remembered.  But do you know the roots of that saying?  It’s actually based in fact.  Apparently elephants never...


The Importance of the Toss in Dice Setting  “If You Build It, They will Come…” No I’m not suggesting you jump on the John Deere and mow down your crops to construct a baseball diamond in the middle of YOUR cornfield like Kevin Costner did in the movie, Field of...

Of Slumps and Such

Cycling up, focused practice, hit the books and articles (JP & MP) it all pays off. Just got back from Mohegan Sun and my fifth consecutive winning session and seventh out of ten.  I’d been in a bit of a slump; inconsistent results, way too many point seven...

Getting Back To Basics

So how’s your game been lately?  SRR still healthy or is it looking a bit anemic?  How about those point-seven hands; becoming more and more frequent?  Not sure what bets to make anymore!  If you answered: bad, anemic, yes, and yes to the above...

Observations or Is Your Game in the Toilet?

It’s been several weeks since I last wrote an article, and I’ve been feeling a little bit of pressure!  I only write when I feel I can contribute to your enjoyment or knowledge of the game. But I also want to be an active contributor to the site, so when a few...