The problem with most craps players, just like those who gamble at any of the other casino games, is GREED. Casinos are not built on the plans of the few who are happy with a small profit, but instead on the many who want to make a “killing” at the casino, and turn $100 into $1,000, or $1,000 into $10,000.
Everyone who plays at any casino game wins at one time or another. (They’d be pretty stupid to keep coming back if they didn’t.) But the ones who are in it for the money, and not just the fun, have learned how to consistently keep what they’ve won, and not be in such a hurry to lose it all back.
Each and every time you put a bet down on a gaming table, you run the risk of losing it. If at any given point you are fortunate enough to find yourself in a profit position, NEVER use the reasoning that “I’m playing with the casino’s money.” NOTHING CAN BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH. Once they’ve paid you off on a winning bet, IT’S NOT THE CASINO’S MONEY ANY LONGER – IT’S YOURS !! And if you end up losing it back, it WAS yours.
There are many gambling authors and advisors who discuss the importance of stop / loss limits, but not enough of them emphasize the importance of stop / WIN limits. It is these limits that will determine whether you leave the casino a winner or a loser. Small wins come much more easily than big ones, and in the long run, those who are content with accepting them will outperform those who are unhappy with nothing less than making a killing.
Anyone is capable of winning money at a casino. It doesn’t take a genius to do it; just a little bit of luck. And learning how to leave at a predetermined point is not easy. But once you discover what a good feeling it is to go to the cashier’s window with ANY amount of chips in your hand, whether you’re ahead or behind, can become a habit that you’ll enjoy getting into. (It sure beats the heck out of going home broke.)