Spanked By A Point-Seven-Out?

by | Feb 26, 2024

Have a successive string of point seven outs? Your confidence, along with your bankroll shot to pieces due to successive Point-Seven-Outs? With your ego wounded and spanked, and your game unbalanced, what is a craps player to do?

I’ll openly admit I have experienced this interesting and emotionally based occurrence during a game.  Still, it has been a while that the dreaded PSO has visited me once I changed my mindset about what causes them to occur in my game.  And, I have learned through experience what to do should they occur so that my bankroll and ego do not suffer.

Because so many students who are great dice influencers have posed this question to me, I thought I would share my feelings on the subject of the dreaded, unwelcome point seven out, often referred to as a PSO.

For me, this occurrence is a test or challenge to my ego.  I have the ability to sabotage my game if I do not take the time before entering a game to quiet or satisfy my ego.  Before every session it is important to know that there is nothing to fear about my next session. Feeling certain that I have everything I need that makes me feel safe financially, physically, as well as, emotionally before entering the session keeps my focus intact.

When I fail in any capacity to reflect on my emotional needs, my ego will express an energy that charges my game in a way that creates results that surprise me. When it comes my turn to shoot, the subtle, yet powerful emotional energy engaged by my ego causes my game to result in short rolls and can spank me with a PSO. Like a nagging child, the ego’s energy will continue to grab for attention in ways that impact my bankroll.

Successive strings of these experiences at the table drains a player of their energy, tells me, the player, that there is something that requires attention before continuing the game and that it is more important to be elsewhere or else the experience will be one of challenge and learning.  

Recovery from a PSO is possible. Here are my suggestions about what to do.

First of all, while playing, quickly gain an understanding about whether you are more afraid of a bad outcome during the game than the extended roll you desire. In this case it is so important to make your desire of success more important than your fear of failure. Being honest with yourself, if there is any hint of anxiety, however subtle, you must gather the strength to back away from the table.

If a player can be honest with his or herself during a game, a lot of suffering emotionally and financially can be spared.  Simply, stop, back away from the table momentarily, and regroup. Too many times, I observe a dice influencer continue with the game hoping the experience is just a random occurrence.  It is not. And, worse, I observe the player throwing more money at the situation, much like throwing gasoline into a blazing fire.

To spare your self from being “burnt to an emotional crisp,” I suggest the player remain open to the unexpected experience.  Find the courage and strength to back away allowing the necessary time to gather the wisdom to know the correct action to take at any point during the game. These correct actions can include passing on your next turn at the dice and to bet no money for a few rounds to allow a phase of detachment from the game.

Detaching from the game gives a player the time to let go and surrender to the experience instead of falling victim to an energy that leaves a player grasping and feeling that he/she cannot be happy with out successfully shooting during the session.  Not surrendering causes the player to experience continued short rolls. I know good shooters can relate to this.  This is what the Dice Coach calls the “superman complex.” Well, even Superman gains his strength by knowing when to back away.

Quick tips to regain confidence with your shooting comes with first making an agreement with yourself to drop struggling, remain patient, halt judging, blame and fear.  The player must stop and process what emotions the actions the surprise PSO provoked. Leave your remaining chips in front of you and take a potty break and ground yourself.

By grounding yourself, you get back to a safe space.  Simple ways to do this are to quickly find something that pleases you.  Take a walk outside the casino and take a breath of fresh air. If it is daylight, go by the pool, dip your feet in the water and let the sun’s rays touch your face.  Get back to the present and do not keep reliving the experience in your mind. So, let it go to make room for creating a positive outcome.

Remain cheerful about your game.  Still remain generous with yourself, the players around you and the dealers.  Focus on whether you are rested and acclimated to the casino environment.  Feel connected to the game.  And, know as an individual player, you have the opportunity to create the energy that will express the outcome you imagine.

Remember, the game will not always act as expected or in a way that always suits us. It is what we do in response to the unexpected that can make all the difference to our bankroll. The outcome of our game is the result of the choices we make. Hold on to this truth.

Copyright 2006 May

Soft Touch
