What Does House Policy On “Coloring You Up” Mean To You?

by | Feb 24, 2024

If you are a $2 player and you win your first bet and double up to $4 and win again and the dealer pays you by taking $1 and giving you a $5 cheque (chip), then you have just been “Colored Up’. 

This is the way that the house limits your number of wager units on the low side and forces you into placing larger units so that the “House Advantage” can grind you down faster.  $2, $5, $25 and $100 players should always tell the dealers how they want to be paid and should make sure that they have enough of a specific “Color” to secure the positioning of their wager pattern or “system”. 

 It is to the players advantage to use the rack so that “Color” is visible to the dealers.   Players who hold their Cheques in their hands and conceal “Color” either intentionally or because of nervousness do themselves a disfavor. 

A good dealer will watch your “Rack” and make sure that you have the “Color” that you need to implement your wager pattern or “system”.  And, if you are a “Toker”, they will make doubly sure.

There is only one known casino company with multiple properties that sets forth a policy of intentionally providing players with at least 20-30 working “units” for the players before “Coloring them up”, but because this casino company does not offer a serious range of multiple odds options (5x,10x,20 or 100x) there would be no need to refer this company in this content.  (You shouldn’t be playing there anyway!) 

You would be amazed at how fast dealers can get rid of a player on a slow table, by simply “Coloring Them Up” and moving the dice fast. This often happens at the end of a shift, especially if the dealers want an “Early Out” (close down the table and leave early).

This content graciously provided by:
The Internet Resource for Serious Craps Players


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