“The House” changes the dice whenever the dice get hot and players start winning a lot of money. “The House” is a superstitious as some players are.
From a dealer perspective it is amazing to see that when a whole new set of dice are sent out in the middle of a hot roll, the shooter and the players almost NEVER recognize that a new set (5) of dice have been sent out.
Often, the new set of dice will be sent out at the completion of a roll and therefore are sent out to the “Next Shooter” making it more difficult for players to recognize the switch.
By rule, “The House” has the right to change the dice whenever they feel like it. But if you or any “shooter” get on a hot roll and you notice that “The House” sneaks in a whole new set of dice YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE VERY UPSET !
“The House” changes the dice at anytime that they feel that the dice edges are worn down. This usually happens when there is no action at the table.
In some casinos the dice are changed at the end or beginning of an 8 hour shift, either when a whole new crew of dealers comes on to the table or when the Pit Staff counts down (audits) “The Bank”.
“The House” might change the dice at the request of the players or at the request of a “high roller” OR if one or more are lost when players bounce them off of the table (very rare that dice are actually LOST).
OR Any time “The House” feels like it!
Note: All dice sets are numbered and usually have the logo of the casino and the city and state location of the casino imprinted. Dice are cancelled after use with a device that imprints a small circle in the center on the number 4 edge.
You can spot a new set of dice because they are very “powdery” in appearance as if they had just been dipped in talcum powder and the edges are razor sharp. They will also bounce very erratically.
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