Learn How To Play Craps and Dice At DiceSetter.Com!

Dice Setting, Dice Influencing, Betting Strategies, Articles, and the Best Practices for Winning!

It is not by accident or by chance that you found Dice Setter. You are in pursuit of answers to your questions about dice setting and playing craps. Good news, your search is over and you will find answers to your questions here. There is wealth of free gaming information written by the experts of the game at your finger tips. We published over 1,800 web pages covering every aspect for the game of craps. Enjoy reading all the comprehensive information just for craps players. I welcome you to Dice Setter, Ed Jones, editor.

The art of dice influencing has long been debated by players of the game. Dice Setter makes a commitment to you, to insure that the craps player is exposed to the most popular and proven strategies for playing craps. You will find unique opinions about dice influencing and betting strategies written by recognized authorities of the game. For twenty-two years, Dice Setter has collected and published articles, with topics ranging from betting strategies to the art of dice setting, and tossing.

Consider Dice Setter as the “University of Dice Setting”. You are just a click away to discovering the largest collection of articles contributed by the experts and professionals of the game of craps. No other online website offers the volume of free gaming information presented by active players. Our contributors truly understand the game of craps. Also, you will not want to miss our collection of newsletters written only about playing craps and gaming.

Discussion abound regarding the theory of Dice Setting. Is it realistic? Let’s have a quick look at the pros and cons for this hotly debated gaming subject.

The Pros: Dice setting really can enhance your craps playing experience. However, dice setting is not the “Golden Goose”. Never the less, a dice influencer may experience a 2% edge. Influencing dice is broadly recognized, excepted by casinos, and is not a kept secret  by a select few. Extending the shooter’s roll is the goal, and with proper techniques, this can be achieved. Dice setting provides players with an advantage over the casino. It’s free, so what do you have to lose by trying it?

The Cons: Dice setting does not work, it is a hoax. No one can control the dice, it is impossible. Taking a lesson is a waste of time and money. Dice setting is illegal. Dice setting is cheating. Casinos will not allow a dice setter to shoot the dice. It is difficult to learn. It takes hours of practice. It’s not worth the effort. You must find the perfect table surface, not too hard and not too bouncy. Pick-up, grip, backspin, trajectory, and landing the dice square is essential for success, though mostly impossible. If dice control worked, every craps player would be doing it. Casino personnel despise dice setters because setting the dice slows the game. Precision shooting hurts the game, it should be kept secret. Too many dice setters will ruin the game. Never bet with a random roller. Some casinos rig the game to thwart dice setting. If players could really control the dice the casinos would close the game. There is only one true school of thought for dice control.

Whoa! Enough already. Dice Setter’s mission is to expose and explain how the artful skill of dice setting can add an advantage to your game.

No matter what your opinion may be, there are over 5 million craps players in the United States. Consider this question. How many of these players have you actually witnessed attempting the skill of dice setting?

These “hot” topics are discussed in the many of the articles authored by several respected authorities of the game. With over 1,800 pages published and on-line for 22 years, we are dedicated to the subject of dice setting and playing casino craps.

Tshirt dice

Please understand that many of the articles were submitted to Dice Setter during the early days of the dice setting movement. As a result, some of the information may be dated. Never the less, it is our intention to maintain all of the articles as historical, documented archives. The articles published here, not only provides the reader with free gaming information, but stand as testament to the history of dice setting, and the names of those individuals who were involved. Therefore, we intend to continue with updates, and we will preserve the historical documents depicting the evolution of dice setting, and dice influencing.

You will find answers here, for all of your dice setting questions, as well as discovering how dice setting works. And, it’s not only the “how to”, but also, the reasons for “why” you will want to add all the possible advantages to your gaming “tool box”. Dice setting is more than a skilled physical application. It is a paradigm shift for your game. If you are just beginning, you can learn how to play the game of craps here with our free dice lessons. 

If you are an advanced player, you will find tips and techniques to improve your game. If you cannot find what you are looking for simply send Ed an email with your question and we will do our best to get an answer to your gaming question. 

At Dice Setter, we have access to the most knowledgeable experts playing the game of craps and the best part for you, it’s all free! Remember, learning is a life-long process, never stop learning. If you are not pursuing knowledge, what you don’t know can become costly.

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Truly a Winner by The Professor

When it comes to gaming, there is no other way to enter that particular reality other than to enter with an awareness and with responsibility. There can be a thousand excuses for why you lost and one reason why you won. You can pretend any story that fits what you want to believe or you can move forward with your evolution, taking responsibility for your actions. Learn from mistakes and live to fight another day. Make that your truth.

There are many resources for gaming, websites, books, articles, authors, teachers and workshops promoting ways of improving a player’s game. Sometimes, I wonder if it is just so much dribble. Really, is the game of craps all that complicated? Does a player really need all the stuff out there in order to enjoy a game of dice?

So, why go through all of this information? Why promote a better way to play and win? Well, I don’t know about you, but the process for me is a continuing education kind of experience. I say, “If you have stopped learning, you just might be dead.” Dice Setter has provided a wealth of free gaming information. Take advantage of a good thing.

The search for the “Holy Grail” is as much a part of the fun, as is the thrill of actually playing the game of craps. Through self-examination of thoughts and experiences, you make it your intention to come out the other end a better person. It is simply the satisfaction of knowing that you figured it out. 

We journey together and associate with like-minded players who enjoy the challenge of a craps game. Perhaps the information and articles, here at the Dice Setter, may benefit the readers taking the time to investigate for themselves. Within the hundreds, if not thousands of pages found here, are the stories of the players who forged the path to successful play. They bare their soul, sharing their mistakes and their successes. The reader may assimilate what the authors have learned from their personal experiences. Come to think of it, what better way to shorten the learning curve than by taking advantage of the lessons from those who paved the way?

At the end of the day, it simply comes down to how you played the game. When you acknowledge your achievements, you lock in the experience by taking ownership. When there is no one else to observe you, observe yourself. After all, only you need to know that you are truly a winner. “It is not about how much you win. It has everything to do with how much you don’t lose.” You can read more posts added at Dice Setter Digest

Thank you Dice Setter, for all you do for the game of craps. I guess that means for both the game and the amount you don’t get paid to host this fantastic website. I looked at the New Digest and really like the format. Thanks again for sharing free information. Jack D.

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And now, a word from the owner of Dice Setter from 2022

The Queen Bee of Craps – Her Majesty, Soft Touch!

Hello My Dear Readers,

First off, I need to celebrate Dice Setter’s twenty-one years on the Worldwide Web. She has finally achieved legal age and can go out to Las Vegas, enjoying a fun time shooting dice.

So much has change since 2001 and yet the game of craps remains steadfast as the most exciting of all casino games. In these times of technology, after all, craps players still have the unique honor of rolling dice in one of the oldest games of chance. Little has change since cavemen build the first craps table. But seriously, without us, there is no game. In the same spirit, I recognize the website’s success is due, in part, to the selfless contributions from all of the authors here; providing over 1,800 pages of free information, about successful craps play. However, the authors’ dedication is intended just for you. Just like the game of craps requires a shooter, without our readers, and your overwhelming support over the years, there would be no Dice Setter. By visiting this website, your traffic has helped keep Dice Setter’s ranking, as the gold standard for all craps players worldwide. Thank you dear readers!   I also wish to acknowledge my editor, Ed Jones for keeping Dice Setter online all these years. (Really Ed, was that introduction necessary?) Also, a shout out with special recognition, thanking Stephan, a friend to Ed’s, who worked the magic, which makes it possible for you to be reading this message from me. Mi amigos, the sun is shinning on Dice Setter, ol !

Dice Setter was birthed with turn of the century technology which is no longer supported. Furthermore, there are few web-hosts with servers, that can host the antiquated technology running the Dice Setter website. To say that life is short, or running on borrowed time, describes the probable fate of this website. Don’t lick a gift horse in the mouth. Get reading, all that you can, make hay! That is, unless you are in the middle of a game, then make cabbage.

We offer Free Craps Lessons so you can learn how to play craps and understand the rules. For the more seasoned players, this is the place to improve your craps play. Our site includes articles, tips, techniques and strategies written by well known, and respected dice experts in the world. You will find their information throughout this website and you may even get to interact with them at one of the gaming programs.

Craps is the most exciting table game in the casino, and it is likely the most complicated of all casino games. At Dice Setter we intend to support all craps players with the free information. Contained within this website, you will find a multitude of articles written by experts of the game of dice.

Contributing Authors – You will find loads of information ranging from betting strategies, to the art of dice setting, and tossing. Also, you will not want to miss our collection of newsletters written only about playing craps and gaming. Now, you are connected, to the Dice Setter’s network of informed players worldwide. This collection of gaming information is provided to you, without charge, it is free for you viewing pleasure.  

Please visit the site as often as you like. Share the Dice Setter website with your friends. Your feedback is appreciated along with your questions about the game of craps.

At Dice Setter you will learn how to play craps from “real” people playing the game, like The Dice Coach, The Professor, and Soft Touch!

We consult with experienced craps players dedicated to knowing all there is to know about winning. All you need to do is click and read.

Now, if you’ve just decided you want to learn how to play craps, that’s great, welcome! Craps is the most exciting table game in the casino and provides the player with the best odds of leaving with some of the casino’s money. 

If you already know how to play craps this site will help you take your play to the next level.

Craps is not a game to be taken lightly. Without some basic knowledge, intuition, and luck, the cash in your wallet or purse will disappear quickly. The first thing you should do is join our Dice Setter’s subscribers list and keep up to date on “everything craps”  as you will discover reading the amazing articles by our dice setting experts. You will receive email notifications when new articles are added to our website along with available programs for hands on instruction.

We hope Dice Setter will assist you with information, links and other resources that will help you learn the rules, strategies, and mathematics that you need to enjoy a successful game of craps.

If you are like me, your passion for the game will fire-up your quest for the knowledge, and the best methods for tackling casino craps.

“It’s always more fun when you are winning.”  

Good reading, good luck, and good fortune to my fellow dice players,  

Soft Touch Owner/Publisher

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The ability to manipulate dice fairly with a desired result has eluded craps players for as long as man has been rolling bones. Fair in this context implies without cheating. The interest and popularity of dice manipulation has boomed in interest with the advent of the Internet and the speed in which information may now be shared in today’s world. Although there are numerous web sites, books, and clinics about dice manipulation, it is not the end all to beat all. However, Dice Setter has been on-line longer than any other dice influencing web site. If you are seeking up front information provided by numerous contributors on the subject, start reading, there are over 1,700 pages to examine.

Regarding the myth of dice control, the truth is no one can control the dice. No one can prearrange a pair of dice, call the next roll, and consistently produce the predicted results. For all the hype promoting the glories of “dice control” the game of craps is impossible to control through physical interventions alone. So, why bother to continue reading here? You are investing in knowledge to learn more about a skill that may provide some positive influence for your game. It all depends on you, and your intention to improve you chances to win more and lose less.

Dice manipulation is a skill that does not work every time. However, when it does work, it provides an additional edge over the house advantage. It is the little things, when added together, that gives the craps player that edge when facing the challenges of casinos craps.

Remember, the casino operates a craps game with odds guaranteeing that the player is separated from their money. By committing the time to read the articles published at Dice Setter you will learn how it is possible to lose fewer sessions as you add positive aspects to your game. Subtle manipulations and advantage play shaves away the house advantage. 

Dice influencing is a learned skill that follows a theory. First, the theory starts with setting the dice in a prearranged configuration before picking up the dice. Next, the dice are carefully picked up before being tossed in a specific manner. In most cases the shooter tries to avoid the number seven. However, during a come out cycle, it is reasonable to set the dice to favor the seven by employing a set that favors the seven. 

When you combine a prearranged set of dice with a perfect toss, in theory, it is possible to influence the outcome of the game. It is as simple as that. Albeit, a theory is not the same as a convention. Just because the idea can be thoroughly explained and some alleged experts even profess proof with elaborate math calculations; it does not assure deliverance of the premise for all concerned.  Read more, Eye on the Ball by the Professor.

If you are serious about having answers to your dice influencing questions, our bet is that you will find them here at Dice Setter. If not, just send and email to Ed Jones and he will refer your question to one of our expert dice consultants. 

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