The Precision Shooter’s Dictionary

by | Feb 11, 2024

ArcThe measure of height above the deck the shooter gives the dice when thrown.
ATBLAverage throws before losing.  Counts all throws up until the seven out.
Axis (Axle)The theoretical axle, parallel to the table surface, the dice revolve around when being thrown.  The shooter’s objective is for the axis to remain in this parallel state from the time the dice are thrown, until they come to rest.  Whether the shooter gives rotation (spin) to the dice or not, the dice must revolve around this parallel axis. view image
Casino HeatIntimidation from the pit crew, either orally or otherwise to break a precision shooters rhythm or distract his focus. Example: Chip Refill
Chip RefillA technique used by the table staff to cool off a hot shooter, breaking the precision shooter’s rhythm.  The boxman will call for a chip refill.
Color!What a precision shooter hollers if the dealers give them any heat over setting the dice.  In doing so, he announces his intention to leave the table due to the Casino Heat.  He probably will call in all removable bets.  Color! is also a request to have his chips (cheques) converted into higher denominations prior to his departure.  The shooter will remain at the table to await the outcome of any contract wagers (non removable).  If the shooter has been hot, the dealers will hear an outcry from the other players at the table.
Controlled ThrowA throw where the shooter has command of the trajectory, velocity, rotation (if any) and distance traveled of the dice.
Dead Cat BounceWhen the dice land on the table, there is very little or no energy in the bounce.
Dealer ‘Lean’A technique used by a dealer to alter the throwing mechanics of a precision shooter, the dealer will lean in over the table.
DeckThe felt surface of a craps table.
Deep GripGrip the dice in a manner that your fingers are closer to the bottom of the dice.  Opposite of Top Grip.
Dice ScatterWhen the dice come to rest after they’re thrown, they should be in close proximity to one another, as well as the back wall,  thereby having minimal scatter.
Dice Sets
(or Arrangements)
Arranging the dice with specific horizontal and vertical surfaces of the dice intended for certain outcome. examples   (Certain shooters arrange the dice only for a certain axis without specific regard to horizontal and vertical surfaces.)
Double PitchWhen one die rotates 1/2 of a rotation more in comparison to the other die.  For example, if you set the V-3 set, and get a 4-3 seven out outcome, many will say that the shooter “double pitched”
Feeding the ChickensHow random rollers throw the dice, nonchalantly tossing the dice down the table. (picture a farmer throwing corn to the chickens)
Frequency TableAll the possible dice combinations that can appear. Also known as the dice probability table.  Through successful precision shooting, we are able to alter this frequency table with specific dice sets.
GripThe technique which you hold the dice for a controlled throw.
examples of my grips     examples of other grips
HandA turn at throwing the dice. (ie: a 15 roll hand)
Horizontal SurfaceThe ‘top’ surface of the dice. view image
Landing ZoneThe area on the table where the precision shooter intends the dice to touch down on it’s way to expending the energy of the throw.
Live TableA craps table that has a great deal of bounce to it.
MechanicsThe repetitive physical process of throwing the dice in precision shooting.
Muscle MemoryThe process of training your body to repeat your precision shooting throwing mechanics by rote memory.
Precision ShootingThe combination of dice setting, and rhythm rolling and strong mechanics.
Primary HitIf a shooter throws the dice, they stay on axis and the dice maintain rotational equilibrium throughout the throw until they come to rest.  For instance, if you the Hard Ways set, a primary hit would be the hard 4,6,8 or 10.
Quick SetWhen a precision shooter only arranges the dice on the correct axis, without preparing then with specific horizontal and/or vertical face arrangements.  OR when a precision shooter only arranges the dice in a manner to assure that both dice are not on the same axis, thusly assuring the shooter that the dice are in a seven avoidance set.
Random RollersA shooter who shows no care in the way they throw the dice.
RangeA term to describe getting accustomed to the table once you acquire the dice.  Some elements are the shooter’s table position, shooting distance to the back wall, finding the sweet spot and attaining precision shooting rhythm.  “It took me a few throws to find my range.”
Rhythm RollingCareful handling of the dice combined with a repetitive fluid throwing motion.
RotationThe spin of the dice on the axis, either clockwise (overspin) or counter clockwise (backspin).
Secondary HitIf a shooter throws the dice and they remain on axis, any outcome within the distribution for that set which is not a Primary Hit.  For instance, if you throw the Hard Ways set, a secondary hit would be a 2 – 4.
Short Sticking (the dice)A casino heat technique.  The stick person intentionally passes the dice to the shooter in a manner that requires the shooter to change their stance in an attempt to break the shooter’s rhythm and concentration.
Signature TrendA number or series of numbers that an individual precision shooter has a propensity to throw for a given dice set.
SRRSevens to Rolls Ratio.
StanceA shooter’s foot position.
Sweet SpotThe ideal landing zone for the precision shooter’s throw.
Throw From The TableAfter the dice have been pre-set, a throwing technique where the shooter does not pick the dice up off the table before they are tossed.  This reduces the amount of arc in a throw thereby reducing the amount of energy applied to the dice.
Throw PreparationA solid stance combined with mental focus (the ability to ignore distractions) and confidence. It is also recommended that you hold your breath up to and including the dice release to minimize unwanted forces and velocities to optimize your dice release and focus on your target.
Toking the DealersA key ingredient to precision shooting.  By toking (tipping) the dealers, you are more likely to create a friendlier environment at the table when you endeavor to set the dice. Also see toking dealers article.
Top GripGrip the dice in a manner that your fingers are close to the top edge of the dice.  Opposite of Deep Grip.
VelocityThe speed at which the dice are propelled toward the landing zone. It is an independent variable that the shooter creates. It’s value is a function of his technique, table position, distance to wall, landing zone, etc. The shooter can also input a rotational speed to the dice if he wants the dice to rotate along the arc to the target landing site. Practice helps him set the necessary values.
Vertical surfaceThe ‘front’ (facing you) surface of the dice or the ‘back’ (facing down table) surface. view image
