If You Want Instant Success…

by | Feb 12, 2024

I get a lot of e-mail from readers.  A recent one suggested, in not so subtle terms, that a lot of the articles, especially my articles, on Irishsetter’s website, are way too long, and contain way too much information.

The e-mail writer strongly recommended that modern readers of today want short, easily-digestible snippets that they could effortlessly understand, and instantly apply to their craps game so that they could have immediate and measurable results.

I don’t disagree that most people do want instant results in almost everything they seek.  It’s a great goal.  I only wish that I had a short, easily-digestible answer that they could effortlessly understand, and instantly apply for immediate and measurable results.

Unfortunately I don’t.

We live in an instant gratification world.  We want instant breakfast, fast-food lunch, and one-minute dinners.  Is it any wonder why some wives complain that their husbands are only good for a minute or two of carnal-intimacy?

I know that the collective attention-span of society is currently about 17-seconds long.  Well the good news is that that is 8-times longer than the average mosquito, and a whopping 3-times longer than the average housefly.  Our instant-gratification society is in very good company indeed.

I guess I’m a throwback to old-world thinking.  I’m willing to put in the time, effort and study to really excel at something.  Sure it takes longer to achieve greatness, but I figure the results are worth it.  I’m sorry, but perfection does take a little longer…

That leads me back to the length of my articles.  They are definitely way too long if you want short, snappy sound-bites like on the evening news.  It may work for media-hungry politicians, but for the pursuit of Precision-Shooting excellence, it usually only leads to frustration and a lack of consistent success.

I wish I had some simple four-word Commandments that would provide you with all the skill, finesse, talent and expertise that you seek.  However, I have found that some of the simplest concepts in life are amongst the hardest to explain.

Let me ask you this: 

Do you love your wife?

Hopefully, you only answered with one affirming word.

Now, in four words or less, tell me how you love her, and explain why.  Oh, and at the same time, define what love is.

I tried and I couldn’t do it.  Hopefully you were more successful.  So much for economy of words!

Let me give you a few key Precision-Shooting words like:

  • Practice
  • Betting Methods
  • Money-Management
  • Discipline
  • Loss-Limits

Now if I tell you that each one of those words is critically important to your success as a skilled Precision-Shooter, I wouldn’t be wrong.  You could take those words and chant them over and over again like a mantra.  However, knowing the words and being able to mouth them effortlessly will not put you one centimeter closer to your goal.

Each of those words may be the main keys to Precision-Shooting success, but if you don’t know exactly how to weave each skill and each studied-element together into an impermeable consistently-performable package; then I’ve got to tell you that consistent casino profit will elude you FOREVER.

Yes, my articles are long and they contain a lot of useful material.  I haven’t been blessed with an economy of words, and I’m still working on my command of the English language.  But what I DO have, is more than a decade of experience as a successful Precision-Shooter.  In the real-world, that counts for something.  In the casino-context, that means consistent profit.

I know that my style of writing doesn’t suit everyone’s taste.  I’m certainly not a professional writer…I’m a professional craps player.  I try to make my articles as readable and digestible as possible.  But if you’re looking for dumbed-down articles and pre-digested Pablum-type explanations, you’ll have to find them elsewhere.

If you don’t have the time to fully read and digest all of the excellent articles on Irishsetter’s site, that’s okay too.  I’ll still wish you good luck at the tables…’cause good skill may continue to elude you.

Good Luck & Good Skill at the Tables…and in Life.


The Mad Professor
