How to Cool a Hot Table

Somewhere deep in the belly of the beast a wizened old veteran of the pits is holding court. His mission – to teach the latest group of pit trainees – fresh scrubbed Hospitality Industry graduates from public universities throughout the heartland –...

Stocking Your Tool Box

By Stephen  “heavy” Haltom My daughter has spent years as a student of the martial arts.   She has her Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and has cross-trained with some of the world’s greatest martial arts masters.  She attends weekly Black Belt Masters Classes,...

Transition Moves

By Stephen  “heavy” Haltom The transition move is one of the most powerful weapons in the crapshooter’s arsenal.  It is also one of the most difficult to master.  Simply put, a transition move is your pre-planned strategy to ease your bets from one side of...

The Crap Between Your Ears

By Stephen  “heavy” Haltom Never underestimate how difficult it is to concentrate on your precision toss under live casino conditions.  When numbers keep rolling the table fills up with other players.  Most have no idea of proper table etiquette.  You...