Before The Newbie Begins

My new site came with a message forum. From this forum, I receive numerous private messages from players just starting out on their craps journey. The one topic they consistently ask me about is what I feel are the keys to mastering this game. While I...

Is Dice Setting For Everyone?

I’ve always maintained that there is more to winning at this game than just setting the dice. You do not have to be an accomplished dice setter to be successful at the craps tables. There are many other aspects of this game that must also be mastered in order to play...

Playing With The Waves

Ever visit a beach and find yourself mesmerized by the waves? Depending on the time of day and the weather conditions, the waves breaking on the shore all look the same on the surface. When we sit and gaze upon the sea of tables in the casino, like the waves of the...

Know What You Believe

We’ve all heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” Regarding what we believe, it can be stated, “you are what you know.” As craps players, our knowledge depends on the information we receive and then accept as fact. And, then the original saying can be transformed to...

Meet “Soft Touch”

Deborah “Soft Touch” Garcia is likely the most authoritative woman craps player in the world today. She is frequently at the tables in Las Vegas and other great locations.With her philosophy of helping others to help him/her self, she explores the different...