Chicago – New Years 90 Minutes & Gone!

by | Aug 12, 2024

After being slightly – (totally??) – driven crazy by seven, (that’s right SEVEN), teenage girls screaming, (what they said were “Rocking Songs”), into the night on New Years Eve – my much better half sugessted that as a gift for allowing the gathering in my basement – “Lets go to the boat”!!!

As it was 11:30PM, we quickly left the house, (and hoped it would be standing when we returned), and arrived at the Hollywood Casino @ 12:30 – HAPPY NEW YEAR 2002!!!

The Casino was packed – but thanks to the “Platinum” frequent looser card they have so nicely supplied me with – I was allowed in.

After supplying the better half with Video Poker / Slot funding – I went to the pit – where all tables were full – I finally got a spot at the $25 minimum table – a tad higher then I usually play – but as it was the New Year – what the heck.

With a small buy in of $300 I had to hit early or die – the – lady two to my right had the dice and I had watched her roll before and she was usually solid. I placed the front line and she tossed three sevens and then a ten, I had parleyed the sevens so I had some bullets, I took $75 odds on the ten and waited for her to hit, which she did two/three rolls later –ahh – more bullets. She quickly made two other points before rolling a five then out.

With my BR more than doubled, I really thought about quitting, (as we ALL SHOULD know – GET UP and GET OUT), but as I would have the dice next – I stayed.

The chicken feeder on my right totally impressed me with his double tap on the table – drop the dice – then spin around three times – back to the dice for a rapid, blind, (really – blind – he would close his freaking eyes!!!), toss down the table. After the first THREE rolls went off the table – I picked up my bet and waited for the house to feed – which they did after two – on the table rolls – five / seven – (I thought that anyone who was still on this turkey deserved to loose).

I got the dice and set all hardways, (one/six axis set), pitched a quarter each on H6 / H8, (added a nickle each way for the “Boys -&- Girls In the Funny Bow Ties”), – called them on and targeted the middle of the come box, (I was at the top on the hook – not my favorite – but it was where I could get in), – much to my surprise I rolled a H8 – took a full parley of $250 on the hardway, (LET IT WORK ALWAYS), and took $125 odds on the front line. The stick took their $45 and went down – when I told them that this was supposed to be a “follow me” bet – the stick indicated that I had not told them that up front – and they were right – however….. – Keeping the same set, I hit a soft six, and then a five, (as I was up – I had placed the six for $60 and in the come box for a quarter each time), now Santa Claus visited me early for 2002 with another H8!! – with $175 and down on the front line – PLUS $2000 – (still working $500) on the H8 – I knew this would be a good night!!! – The stick and dealers looked green – then from the boys I heard the gamblers chant – “IF ONLY….” –

As I have a rather “large mouth” as my better half is so fond of telling me – I was not overly surprised when as the stick was pushing the four purples to me – I had a little hand reach past me and say “MINE!!!!” – the better half had arrived! – within three more rolls the demon showed – (it was “difficult” to have any concentration as everyone was talking about my “lucky” double bubble – the seven didn’t surprise me either).

The better half convinced me that it was best to leave with the bounty, I dropped the boys a green and some red then went to the cage. As we were going to the car the better half allowed me 50% of my winnings and indicated that “you know – if you didn’t gamble any more this year – you could quit a winner”

HA – Fat Chance!!!

When I returned to the car it was approaching 2:00AM – not a bad 90 minutes.


PS – The house was standing when we returned – still full of noisy, crazy teenage girls – but for some reason – I was more “mellow” now.
