Volume VI : Issue #4X | |
In This Edition: | Soft Touch Says Game Within a Game…Profiting From Your Come-Out Cycle- 2 Shooting From The Dark Side Part 15 Current Practice..Future Profit Part Nine Newsletter Archive Links |
Soft Touch Says!
News Flash! This Just Announced!

Listen Up Boys!
MP’s book, The Mad Professor’s CrapShooting Bible, is now available to order from me.
Back in February of this year, my editor posted a notice that I would be selling MP’s book. This was in response to a forum post The Lion made inquiring about Mad Professor’s book release on the DiceSetter.com membership forum.
I have a standing agreement with PI Yee Press to sell the Mad Professor’s book on my website. The publisher asked me not to take pre-publication book orders, until the publisher knew that they were about to take delivery of the book.
I now have Pi Yee Press’ okay to begin taking orders for the long awaited, much needed work from the Mad Professor, professional craps player, artistic dice genius.
Case discount available, how many cases would you like?
April showers, bring May flowers.
Now until the book release, I will be offering a complimentary book to two Forum Members each week, for the most creative thread under the boards for Quantum Craps™ and Precision Shooting. Not a forum member? Sign up for the message boards now at DiceSetter.com.
Every Sunday morning, from now until the book release, I will select the best post from the Quantum Craps™ Board and the Dicesetter.com Precision Shooter’s board.
I wish to extend a complimentary book for this past week to Bobby Lee for his wonderful post on the Quantum Craps™ board. Congratulations Bobby Lee!
By the way, his follow up post was great too. So, he gets the second book. If the same member happens to create the two best posts on any subsequent week, he/she will get honorable mention and may choose who receives the second book.
So Bobby Lee, who gets the second book? Post the name of the member who will receive the second book.
Keep your creative juices flowing gentlemen and lady, should there be one other brave female soul out there lurking and learning other than me.
Keep those cards and letters coming, I do read and appreciate them.
Hope y’all enjoy the long anticipated articles by the Mad Professor in this extra edition.
Soft Touch
PS Check out the changes I have made to the DiceSetter.com home page.
Game Within a Game…Profiting From Your Come-Out Cycle Part Two
By The Mad Professor
My advantage-play philosophy over the last few years has been to use the come-out portion of each hand as its own stand-alone profit-center. In other words, I use the come-out cycle as a sort of “game-within-a-game” in order to generate revenue that is separate and distinct from the point-cycle itself.
Let me show you what I mean…
My Rightside-Shooting Come-Out Strategy
My objective is simple; I want to make as much advantage-play profit from my come-out (C-O) shooting as I can.
For that, I start out with the Straight-Sixes (S-6) dice-set in its traditional World-heavy arrangement (6/6 on the top faces, 5/2 on the surfaces facing you, with 3/4 on the side-axles around which the 6/6, 5/2, 1/1 and 2/5 primary-faces rotate).
As a result, the on-axis possibilities for the S-6 dice-set are:
Outcome | Straight-Sixes On-Axis Combinations | On-Axis Appearance-Percentage | On-Axis Appearance-Rate |
2 | 1 | 6.25% | 1-in-16 |
3 | 2 | 12.50% | 1-in-8 |
4 | 1 | 6.25% | 1-in-16 |
5 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
6 | 2 | 12.50% | 1-in-8 |
7 | 4 | 25.00% | 1-in-4 |
8 | 2 | 12.50% | 1-in-8 |
9 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
10 | 1 | 6.25% | 1-in-16 |
11 | 2 | 12.50% | 1-in-8 |
12 | 1 | 6.25% | 1-in-16 |
Now clearly, those perfect-world percentages will be affected by not only how often you can keep the dice on-axis, but also how often you throw primary-face outcomes versus double-pitches or single-pitches in either on-axis direction. So the actual on-axis appearance-percentages for your own tosses will vary widely depending upon your current dice-influencing skill-range and consistency.
Shooting from the Don’t …A Journey of Opportunity – Part 15
By The Mad Professor
There were tears of joy and sorrow with moments of frustration and confusion where more than a few harsh words were spoken…but enough about checking into my hotel, let’s talk about craps.
I’ll keep this simple. I had a great time playing for an entire week in Edmonton, Alberta. While my crapshooting was pretty good, and I hit my head on the max-bet table-limits at two out of this city’s three casinos more times than I care to count; it wasn’t all wine, roses, obscene profits and picture-perfect
on-axis tosses.

Dealing With Unintentional DP-Repeaters
During the Edmonton leg of my cross-continent Dark-shooting excursion, I did have to deal with a number of unintentional PL-Point repeaters; though fortunately, I never encountered more than one in any given hand. I considered that occurrence-rate to be a minor interruption, and not a major distractor.
When your dice-throwing isn’t up to par; this whole Darkside-shooting thing can be one frustrating and downright excruciating experience just like it can be for a Rightside-shooter who can’t seem to get anything going.
- When a Dark-shooter unintentionally repeats his DP-Point, there is the additional sting of doing it in front of a bunch of players who were hoping you’d shoot yourself in the foot, and therefore validate their own Rightside-bet thinking.
- More importantly, you can’t let the occasional snicker or loud-mouthed verbal barb throw you off your game. Trash-talk has quickly become a ubiquitous part of our self-absorbed social fabric, so you can ill-afford to let it affect your shooting.
- While the whole knocking-off-your-own-bets thing doesn’t really bother me at all anymore, I have noticed that it can bother some other dice-influencers to the point where it throws them completely off of their game.
- If losing a DP line-bet tweaks your ego to the point where it affects your throwing consistency; then I don’t recommend you shoot from the Darkside until you can bring a fuller measure of maturity to your game.
- If you feel so defensive about your shooting, where an occasional comment from a Rightsider upsets your concentration or distracts you to the point where you are thinking of a witty or spiteful response instead of focusing completely on the next toss; then Darkside-shooter should probably be forestalled until you can bring a thicker-skinned resolve to the table.
- If your heart-rate or blood-pressure rises at the mere thought of throwing an unintentional PL-Point repeater and especially if it spikes your vital signs upon hearing any negative feedback; then you should probably step back from the game and re-examine whether or not too much of your ego is invested in your dice-influencing pursuits, and determine if that might be affecting the overall health and success of your precision-shooting efforts.
Occasionally losing some of your Darkside wagers is just part of the overall advantage-play process…it is going to happen (the same as occasionally losing some of your wagers on the Rightside of the game is an integral part of the A-P process too); so you not only have to understand that all of your bets won’t be winners, and you not only have to embrace the entire lose-some/win-more process; but most importantly as a Darksider, you have to totally disengage your ego from any self-inflicted PL-Point repeating losses that you will inevitably endure along the way to profit.
Let me put it this way…
Current Practice…Future Profit Part Nine
By The Mad Professor
If you missed Maximus/HSC-III’s absolutely outstanding Laser Practice…Laser Perfection idea in Part Seven of this series, I would invite you to discover one of the most significant practice-session improvement concepts that I have ever used.
Following on the heels of that excellent idea, Maximus, Jeffrey47, and I discussed some additional practice-session uses for the laser-level that further extends its function and efficacy. We’ve also added some bonus material that may help to elevate your game to the next level…and to the level beyond that one too.
Let’s jump right into the discussion:
Another Laser-Perfection Idea
I like using the line that the laser emits to determine exactly how straight my landing-zone runway is when I compare where I launch the dice from, to where they first impact the backwall.
Mad Professor:
Yeah, that’s a great idea. By using the laser to shine a red line on your throwing-lane and the backwall in relation to where you swing your arm and release the dice from, you can tell ahead of time if the dice are going to hit SQUARE or be OFF-of-square when they impact the backwall. It is also a great way to determine whether the impact-point on the backwall (where the dice will be hitting) is indeed flat, or whether that portion of the wall is still transitioning out of the rounded-corner curve.
This kind of throwing-lane alignment verification is especially relevant when you use the white Pass-line markings on the table. If the line itself is misaligned or the extension of that reference-line actually intersects the backwall where it is still imperceptibly curved; then the dice-impact with the backwall is obviously going to be unsquare. Using the laser to ensure that your throwing-lane is not only straight, but that the dice are also intersecting the backwall squarely, is of utmost importance.
When we watch our arm and hand motion, the geometry we see from the perspective of our eyes in our heads is necessarily totally screwed up because we are looking at the table, the wall, our arm, the dice…everything, from an oblique (slanting) angle. As a result, nothing we “see” conforms to our natural expectations for geometric “order.”
- For example, at the end of a proper toss-motion, our hand appears to our eye’s oblique viewpoint to have shifted to the inside of the table, as you view through (by extending your gaze) to the backwall. I think we wrongly tend to try to “correct” for this illusion, by bringing our arm toward us. Is it any wonder that our ability to maintain consistent forward-motion that doesn’t veer off track is a repeatedly hit-and-miss proposition?
Without the laser training tool, we’re learning to toss only within a RANGE of relative alignment, but not being trained to maintain the kind of properly-aligned perfection that Maximus and MP are talking about.