Familiarity Breeds Contempt

by | Feb 24, 2024

Please remember!  These are archives!  The Dice Setter message board was shut down. What is published here are just a few of the threads documenting the early days of dice setting strategies and opinions written by the pioneers of dice influencing.

Familiarity Breeds Contempt

Mickey D

OK, so what’s he mean by that?

Actually what I mean is familiarity breeds diminished success. Have you ever noticed that when you try a new grip or shooting position or any change from the norm that you have some really promising initial success! And then not long afterwards things start to sour. I have two perfect examples of what I’m talking about. In my Comeback Kid trip report I referred to my first foray onto a 14’ table where I shot from straight out and had a surprising first hand of 15-20 rolls and then the duration of each successive hand got smaller. Why? I believe it is because when faced with a new challenge we can muster up all of our senses to make this new thing we’re trying works. I had one bad throw on the 14 footer and I then let my senses take in what had just transpired. I changed the grip, recalculated the distance and threw well over my SRR. Then what happened? I got comfortable! This new challenge laid out for me to conquer was met! “Wow, this isn’t too bad”, I thought, “Why was I so afraid to throw from this distance?” Well as I got more comfortable with the new distance I lost the edge. I wasn’t scared anymore so I let down. And don’t you know each hand got shorter and shorter.

Here’s my second example: I revisited the Mad Professor’s page (which I do any way on a regular basis) and took a look at the Long Ranger grip. I read about it checked out the photo and gave it a whirl. I took a few minutes to practice the pick up and make a few throws to get the feel. I then declared myself ready enough to chart some throws. I set the crossed sixes and threw from what would be second position stick right. Here is what transpired: 8, 6, 4, 5, 5, 9, 9, 9, 5, 5, 8. “Wow!” “I can’t believe how well this works” I said to myself. “This isn’t as bad as I thought!” (Where did I here that before?) I then threw something like: 10, 2, 11, 3, 7. Clearly I got comfortable and lost the edge. I threw for another 45 minutes and could never regain that touch that I had when I was most apprehensive and unsure about the challenge.

What’s the point? Nothing is automatic!! Every throw has to be made with complete focus and determination. Leave out one of the five senses, and you’ll falter. Think you’ve got it licked, and you’ll get licked! You actually have to play a little scared. When a person is threatened, his mind and body jump into an immediate level of heightened alertness ready to perform at peak capacity to defend himself. It might sound a bit over the edge to some but throwing the dice has to be a little bit like that. You have to be ready. BILLY once wrote in reply to one of my posts that the most important throw you can make is the next one! He’s right on the money! Let your guard down and you’ll get stung. There are no gifts out there. You have to work to be successful. In other words, “You have to make money the old fashioned way!” “You have to EARN it!”


Mickey, Good post. I was in Vegas this past weekend for the race and of course some dice shooting.As the friends that play with me will tell you they can tell when I am about to toss the bad boy.I of course have charted my hands more than anyone else and can spot the times where I am letting down.There is one fella that I play with who always seems to be able to take his bets down just at the right time in my shoots…yea thats you Beau. This weekend I wanted to be intune with where my mind was taking me during my hands.When the time came in some of my hands that would tell Beau that the bad guy was coming I took a moment ..thought about what a perfect shot would be,and then hopped that combination for the crew.On three occasions the proceedure worked perfectly.I was able to visualize the shot and the crew taking their winning wager down.I’m certain that the process of visualizing the shot and the added pressure of the one roll bet for the crew worked for me.It brought my concentration back to the degree necessary to continue the hand.Winning a hopper always pumps everyone up.


You know, Billy – only a true friend would call a guy’s cell phone and leave a message like “I’m in Vegas and you’re not.”


Battling the “Let Down” is one of my biggest difficulties. If I’ve had a good hand, there’s an inherent “smugness” that I’ll have ANOTHER good hand when the dice get back to me….

Of course, when the dice do return, I’m neither concentrating as hard, nor nearly as focused as I was earlier…and have more difficulty putting another good hand together.

In any case,the SMARTEST thing to do if you have a good hand is to leave immediately afterward….


Every comeout is a new battle in the ongoing war between you /fortune and the casino edge. If trying hard works next time try harder.
