Heavy’s Dice Set – Straight Sixes

by | Feb 10, 2024

Questions about the Straight Sixes Dice Set


The following link on your website; presents the most logical, statistical and compelling case I’ve read on dice setting since I began conducting some internet research on the subject. http://dicesetter.com/heavy/heavy10setchart.htm

Having said that, I’m confused on the axis concept. You described it well, but in the ‘straight 6 set’; assuming one threw on ‘perfect axis’ wouldn’t either of the following sets appear; (6,6 – 2,2 – 1,1 – or 5,5) instead of the statistical and desirable (7 -11) on the come out?

What am I missing?  I certainly agree this is the preferred set as opposed to much touted ‘all 7;s set’; but again, if the thrower were to deliver the dice on the ‘perfect axis’ wouldn’t that be the theoretical set to go with?

Thank you for any clarification you can provide.


 Hi Charles,

Thanks for the feedback. Agreed, Heavy provides great information here. He takes an overwhelming theory, and clearly simplifies it as six axial sets . Heavy knows his craps. See Heavy’s Articles.

I feel that you may misunderstand the meaning of on axis. You said “perfect axis” which refers to “Primary numbers” in your question. (6,6 – 1,1 – 5,5 – 2,2)

The problem, with word problems, is the words.

With an on-axis toss, the dice end on the same horizontal axis set, before being tossed. (3 on the left 4 on the right and 3 on the left 4 on the right,)

After a primary landing, you would be able to arrange the dice exactly as they were before the toss, 34-34. However, if the dice did not land on a primary number, but still, landed on the same axis, then rotating one or both dice a ¼ or ½  rotation would be possible to return to the preset Straight Sixes. 

On axis does not necessarily mean landing dice exactly the way the dice were set before the toss. Using this set, other than rolling primary numbers, is how the 4 sevens and 2 elevens are possible outcomes, and they are on axis. Get your dice out and demonstrate this for yourself. 

Charles, perhaps you may have misunderstood on axis includes all 16 possible outcomes with the Straight Six set on axis.

 Straight Sixes 16 Outcomes

34-34 (straight 6’s) # of results12102420121
Possible outcomes23456789101112

Please re-read Heavy’s paragraphs two and four. The point of an on-axis toss is to narrow the range of outcomes from 36 to 16. 

Paragraph Two
“That’s right. There are exactly six different axial sets. Again, the only difference is which number the shooter chooses to have “up” or “facing down table.” For simplicity sake I have arranged the sets in the chart below showing the axial faces of the individual sets. Remember, the axial set refers to the numbers showing on the SIDES (left/right) of each individual die prior to the toss. The objective is to toss the dice “on axis” – as if there were a steel rod driven through the two dice like an automobile axle. The dice tumble or roll forward without any excessive bouncing, pitch, yaw, etc. Granted, the toss is a challenge, but you only have to control one roll out of 43 to turn the odds in your favor.”

Editor’s Note: 1:43 means a gain of 2.325%

Paragraph Four
“There are four ways to make the seven and two ways to make the eleven. Instead of 8 naturals out of 36 combinations on a random roll – you have 6 naturals out of 16 combinations. The math of this should be obvious, even to those handicapped by advanced degrees.” 

Paragraph two: Heavy gives us a visual of an axle going through the 34-34 set. Think of the dice as wheels on a car. They can rotate on the axle. After an on-axis landing, there are sixteen possible outcomes. (See the chart above.) When you add up the number of results for each possibility, the total number equals 16. 

I do not feel that Heavy is implying that tossing the Straight Six set, 34-34, will end up on a primary number each roll, “perfect toss”. If that were the case, why would a shooter use this set for a come out? 

Charles, if the dice land and stay exactly as set and on axis, your statement is correct. Neat trick to do, as Heavy points out. However, the theory of on axis shooting, with dice setting, has to do with reducing the possible outcomes from random 36 to just the 16 possible from a specific set. This assumes both dice stay on axis after the toss, no matter what set is used. 

By grouping the 7 and 11 as possible results, we have four 7’s and two 11’’s giving us six out of 16 possible results, as front-line winners, for the come out roll. By grouping 6/6, 5/5, 12/12, 1/1, provides 4 out of 16 possible primary numbers.  

Let’s simplify the odds, for 7 with the 11 at 3:8, compared to 1:4, for the primary set. As a percentage, 37.5% probability for 7 with 11, compared to 25% probability for the primary set to occur. Again, it assumes both dice stay on axis. Charles, I believe this confirms your question raised in your second paragraph. 

Be aware, when using this set for a come-out roll, all of all the craps numbers result in 25% of the outcomes. This seems to cut into the purpose of coming out with a front-line winner or setting a point, for that matter. Perhaps consider making a craps check as well. Personally, I prefer a different set during a come out cycle, for example. 

Now, everyone has their reasons for using the dice set they prefer. What is the expectation for using the Straight Six set? This is asking, what is the shooter’s intended purpose and desired outcome, for a come-out roll, using the Straight Sixes set?

 Understanding the math helps a savvy player know which set to use for the desired outcome, assuming an on-axis landing. The theory of dice setting has more to do with “dice influence” than the illusion of dice control.

Thank you Charles, for this thought-provoking question.

 Ed Jones / Editor

Check out Heavy’s website, and his forum.

 Thanks, Ed: 

Yes, all your assumptions about understanding my questions are correct. Thank you for the favor of your reply. 

Chas……in Houston

 Heavy’s Axis Power Craps forum. If you have questions about betting, setting, or tossing the dice this is the place to be.  Home to some of the top players of the game, Heavy’s Axis Power Craps forum is the on-line place to go with your questions about influencing the dice.
