Matching Bets to Your Shooting Ability

by | Feb 17, 2024

I received a lot of e-mail after I wrote my controversial Can Frequency Compensate For Shortness? article. 

In it we talked about how to ensure a pretty steady profit from your Precision-Shooting efforts even if your skill level hasn’t yet produced outstanding results.

Today I’ll explain the philosophy behind the concept of deriving good profit from short, but consistent rolls.  More importantly, I will show you how bring in MORE profit from the betting-process.

The idea is to match our betting methods to suit our CURRENT Precision-Shooting abilities.

The Profit-as-You-Learn Process

Progress is not always marked by huge leaps and bounds of advancement.   Rather, it is marked with plateaus, occasional setbacks, and small, steady incremental improvements.

To achieve outstanding consistency from Precision-Shooting, it takes a tremendous amount of:

  • Patience & Perseverance
  • Maturity & Dedication
  • Commitment & Time

It’s a matter of:

  • Practicing
  • Playing
  • Refining
  • Starting over

It’s somewhat like re-juggling and reorganizing that tired old “Ready, Aim, Fire” phrase.  In good business and in successful Precision-Shooting, lucrative triumph is more often achieved with a Ready, Fire, Aim…Repeat course of action.

Profitable consistency is achieved and maintained through a steady-improvement cycle instead of being a straight-line process.

Progress is not always linear, but rather more organic in its growth, advancement and evolution.

We cover that whole Ready, Fire, Aim…Repeat process in much greater detail in my Getting The Most Out of Your Practice Sessions series of articles. 

That brings us to today, where we are looking at your CURRENT skill level and determining ways to get the most profit out of your rolls while keeping your bankroll-exposure to its lowest possible level.

How to Succeed with “Short-Hand” Betting

How do we match our betting methods to suit our current Precision-Shooting ability?

  1. Figure out your Signature Numbers.  If you are in any doubt about what they are, how they work, and how to profit from them, then I would kindly direct you to my The When, Where, Why, What and How of Signature Numbers series of articles.
  2. Your Signature Numbers will form the core of your betting strategy.  If any of those numbers are non-Place numbers, we will address those separately in my upcoming, “Game Within A Game” article which takes a close look at increasing profit from your Come-Out rolls.
  3. If your Pass-Line Point is one of your Signature Numbers, then, back it up with Odds that are equal to your normal Place bet levels.  For example, on a $5 table, if you normally Place-bet the 5 or 9 for $15 each; then your PL and Odds bet should also equal $15.
  4. If your Pass-Line Point is NOT one of your Signature Numbers, then, you may choose to leave the Odds bare or use a max of 1x Odds.
  5. We know from the amount of roll-tracking that we have done during our Practice Sessions and our real-world Casino Sessions what our average length of rolls from establishing a Point to 7’ing-Out is.  This is where knowing what your Point-Cycle SRR (Sevens-to-Rolls Ratio) is.
  6. On average, that determines “how many rolls between 7’s” we have to squeeze out a profit from our current shooting abilities.  Let’s say that you average six rolls before 7-ing Out.  Of those six rolls, let’s say that you usually roll at least three of your Signature Numbers.  That means, on average, that we will have five or six good “kicks at the dog”, before our current skills cut out. 
  7. We then cover (bet on) our top three Signature Numbers which are not already covered by our Pass Line Point.
  8. We now continue our roll.  After four additional throws of the dice, we regress all of our Place bets down to the table-minimum, and we reduce our Odds-bet down to 1x-Odds.  If our Pass-Line Point is not one of our Signature Numbers, then we remove the Odds altogether.
  9. We reduce our Place and Odds bets when we reach the ¾ distance of our average roll-length. Using the above six-roll average, we want to stay on the “good” side of our shooting ability. Four rolls (out of an average length of six rolls) acts as a bit of a protective shield in providing a balance between giving us a reasonable shot at getting some paying-hits, while minimizing the time (in rolls) exposure for our money.
  10. When we reach our current average “six-rolls-before-7ing-Out” talent level, we turn ALL of our bets “off”, and we completely remove our Odds bet if our Pass-Line Point is one of our Signature Numbers. 
  11. Yes, I know that this all may sound like blasphemy, and it does go against conventional wisdom.   However, your current skill level DICTATES your betting methods, NOT conventional, but tainted thinking. 
  12. By thoroughly studying your current skill-level, you know that your 7-Out risk actually increases after, let’s say, six rolls, so why fight it?  You secure your profit before your ability, or lack of ability, advances to where there is a higher likelihood of eroding your bankroll with a 7-Out. 
  13. Remember that we are here to PROFIT from our Precision-Shooting, not to GAMBLE for the sake of entertainment.  If you don’t feel the same way, then I’ll gladly show you where to find the Keno Lounge.
  14. If you succeed in repeating your Pass-Line Point, that is an indicator that your shooting MAY be grooved-in for this hand.  In that case, we still have to proceed with cautiousness.
  15. Upon establishing a new Pass-Line Point, we again cover our top three Signature Numbers, but now we do it with table-minimum bets.  We keep our Place-bets up for another six rolls before we turn them “off” again until we repeat our PL-Point or we 7-Out.  If we throw a PL-winner, we start the process again for another six rolls. 
  16. The idea is to rack up profits in our rail, and not leave them exposed on the table.   Remember, this method is for players whose skill-level is still producing SHORT, but consistent rolls. 
  17. When the number of rolls that we throw surpasses our “average”, we still use cautiousness because locking in a profit nearly every time that we pick up the dice is more important than an occasional big win, and many, many multiple losses.

Why It Works

This method is elegant in its simplicity, yet powerful in that it locks up a profit from the core-elements of your shooting talent.

While our skill is ever-improving; this approach keeps yielding revenue while reducing our bankroll risk.  This becomes increasingly true as we slowly surpass the threshold of our current abilities.

As you continue to improve as a skilled dice-setter, your average frequency of Signature Number “hits” before the “7” should increase.  

When you are playing in the casino and you get past your “normal” roll-length, you simply rebuild your Signature Number bets in safe plateaus that ensure an ever-increasing locked-in profit.

This technique is for ultra-conservative bankroll protection, while giving your Precision-Shooting a chance to develop and generate revenue in a real-world casino-environment.

Regardless of the heights we reach with our dice-setting skill-set, we ALWAYS should match our betting methods to suit our CURRENT Precision-Shooting ability.

Good Luck & Good Skill at the Tables…and in Life.


The Mad Professor
