The Tortoise, the Hare, and the Pit Bull

by | Feb 18, 2024

Parables from the Bible, Koran, and Torah, plus Fables that we read to children provide examples that can guide us in everyday life.  Stories, parables and fables are used to educate, enlighten, allegorize and illustrate the right way to handle different situations in life.

One that comes to mind for craps players would be the fable where the Tortoise (turtle) has a race with a Hare (rabbit):

“Slowly but Surely” Wins at the Tables, as well as in the Fables.

 To win HUGE at the casino craps, one of three things has to happen:

  1. Play, hit and parlay a high-odds Proposition bet into a short series of startling wins.
  2. Press bets and continue to press, at what turns out to be astonishingly long, swelteringly hot roll.
  3. Start with large bets and get in early on a winning run.

However, the same strategies used for those BIG wins, are the same ones that helped the speedy Hare LOSE the race through carelessness, greed and arrogance.  Using those strategies in the casino will usually induce more HUGE losses by:

  1. Fighting Proposition bets, and going bust without overcoming the long odds.
  2. Failing to lock-up profits and giving back winnings when the hot streak fizzles.
  3. Blowing the whole bankroll in a short blaze of glory.

Casino gambling for long-term players shouldn’t be boom or bust, and riches or rags. Players can wager small portions of their bankroll on bets that have a good chance of winning, and returning reasonable profits.

Playing slowly but surely won’t create instant millionaires, but it also won’t produce instant paupers, either.  Instead, it provides the opportunity for a decent day’s pay more than most people realize.  That is the Tortoise portion of the philosophy of long-term winning.   Steady bets on wagers with close to even-money payoffs are easily accessible bets at craps.  If you start with low-house-edge bets, and combine them with sound Money Management, they offer good profit potential.

Now we get to the Pit Bull part.  A skilled Precision-Shooter, once in the “zone”, can consistently hold the dice for an average of ten to fifteen minutes, and hit at least a five or six numbers on which you would have bets.   Consistent rolls like that can yield a net win of many dollars per hand. 

The Precision-Shooter seizes the opportunity, just as a Pit Bull seizes its prey in its jaws.   The Precision-Shooter wants to hold onto the dice, and maximize each and every dice-rolling opportunity as a PROFIT-making EVENT.   

It takes single-minded determination, grit, perseverance, willpower, focus, and commitment to hang on to the dice for as long as possible.  The Precision-Shooter is like the bookish Tortoise who slowly studies every aspect, and steadily improves his game. On the other hand, the Precision-Shooter, is like a Pit Bull when given an opportunity with the dice, where you seize the moment, and grasp each rolling occasion as your chance to clench onto a piece of the casino’s bankroll with your fangs.  It’s a lot of fun to tear off a fleshy chunk of profit, and take it home for good old-fashioned BBQ.

Good Luck & Good Skill at the Tables…and in Life.

By:   The Mad Professor
