The Mad Professor Speaks!

by | Aug 6, 2024

Playing craps professionally since the late 80’s gives the Mad Professor an unrivalled perspective to this game.  His insightful and highly-detailed articles showcase an astute wide-ranging knowledge and deep understanding of what it takes to turn the casinos money into your money.   Mad Professor’s play of 25 hours of weekly, below-the-radar craps, form the backbone to his undisputed expertise on the subject of dice influencing. More than four hundred of his articles on the art and science of Precision-Shooting are to be found right here on   About the Mad Professor  

Articles from The Mad Professor

Mad Professor’s Precision-Shooting Laboratory Part 2 August 2006
How To Get It and How to Keep It Part 15 August 2006
How To Get There From Here Part 15 August 2006
How To Get There From Here Part 14 August 2006
How To Get There From Here Part 12 August 2006
How To Get It and How to Keep It Part 14 August 2006
How To Get There From Here Part 11 August 2006
How To Get There From Here Part 10 August 2006
Regression Avoids Depression Part 21 July 2006
Regression Avoids Depression Part 20 July 2006
What really works?

Click On The Links Below To View All The Articles Under Each Topic

1) Lifestyles of the Precision Shooter

The Toughest Way to Make An Easy Living
The Pied Piper of the Pass Line
Lifestyles of the Precision-Shooter
Go Ahead…Pull the Trigger
I Hate Craps, Sweetie, But I LOVE The Profit!
I Hate Craps, Sweetie, But I LOVE The Profit! Part II
I Hate Craps, Sweetie, But I LOVE The Profit! Part III

2) Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve Got Mail!  
You’ve Got (More) Mail!  
Questions From Cyber-Space    
MORE Questions From Cyber-Space    
Even MORE Cyber-Questions
Even MORE Cyber-Questions Part II  
Ask The Mad Professor Part I  
Ask The Mad Professor Part II  
Ask The Mad Professor Part III  
Ask The Mad Professor Part IV  
Ask The Mad Professor Part V  
Ask The Mad Professor Part VI  
Ask The Mad Professor Part VII  
Ask The Mad Professor Part VIII  
Ask The Mad Professor Part IX  
Ask The Mad Professor Part X  
Ask The Mad Professor Part XI
Ask The Mad Professor Part XII  
Ask The Mad Professor Part XIII  
Ask The Mad Professor Part XV  
Ask The Mad Professor Part XVI  
Ask The Mad Professor Part XVII  
Ask The Mad Professor Part XVIII  
Ask The Mad Professor Part XIX  
Ask The Mad Professor Part XX  
Where Are The Successful Precision-Shooters?

3) Tools of the Trade

On Casino Credit  
CHART This and Track THAT!
And The Survey Says….  
How Much Commitment Are You Willing To Spend?
Patterns Exists…But Do They Mean Anything?  
Gambling Styles Reflect Motivations 
Common Sense Isn’t That Common  
Gee! There’s a FREAKIN’ Surprise!  
Master of ALL…Well…Slave to SOME!
If Honey Attracts Bees, Then MONEY Attracts…Everything!  
Whales, Guppies, and All the Other Fish in the Sea
Casino Credit Update Part I  
Casino Credit Update Part II  
Casino Credit Update Part III  
Casino Credit Update Part IV  
Getting The Most Out of Your Practice Sessions Part I  
Getting The Most Out of Your Practice Sessions Part II
Getting The Most Out of Your Practice Sessions Part III  
Getting The Most Out of Your Practice Sessions Part IV  
Getting The Most Out of Your Practice Sessions Part V  
The When, Where, Why, What and How of Signature Numbers Part I  
The When, Where, Why, What and How of Signature Numbers Part II  
The When, Where, Why, What and How of Signature Numbers Part III
The When, Where, Why, What and How of Signature Numbers Part IV  
The When, Where, Why, What and How of Signature Numbers Part V  
The When, Where, Why, What and How of Signature Numbers Part VI
Profit Skimming – 101
TIPPING: Is There Two Sets Of Rules?  
More Gain & Less Pain  
More Gain & Less Pain – Part II  
More Gain & Less Pain – Part III  
More Gain & Less Pain – Part IV  
More Gain & Less Pain – Part V  
Creating More Shooting Opportunities – Part I
Creating More Shooting Opportunities – Part II  
Creating More Shooting Opportunities – Part III
Creating More Shooting Opportunities – Part IV
Creating More Shooting Opportunities – Part V
I’m Sorry, But SIZE Really DOES Matter!
Current Practice…Future Profitability!
Current Practice…Future Profitability! Part II
Current Practice…Future Profitability! Part III
Current Practice…Future Profitability! Part IV
Current Practice…Future Profitability! Part V
Current Practice…Future Profitability! Part VI
Current Practice…Future Profitability! Part VII
Current Practice…Future Profitability! Part VIII  April 2006
Current Practice…Future Profitability! Part IX  April 2006
What really works?

4) Secrets Of Winning

Finding & Profiting From A Precision Shooter
The Ground Zero of Opportunity
These are NOT Commandments, But …..
Winning With Character
Don’t Cut Off Your Bankroll’s Blood-Flow
Things I’ve Learned from Dealers 
Where Do You Want To Play?
Don’t Get Ground Into Casino Dust
Stop That Before You Go Blind!
You Watch Your Behind, And I’ll Watch Mine
Don’t Confuse Me With the TRUTH
If Craps Is Your Business..Don’t Underfund It!
Adapting to Tables Part I
Adapting to Tables Part II
First Throw, First Session, First Day
Nuances of Winning Part I
Why Do You Do The Things You Do?
Raising Your Consciousness and Fattening Your Wallet
Raising Your Consciousness and Fattening Your Wallet Part II
How Good Is Your Precision Shooting?
How Good Is Your Precision Shooting? Part II
If You Are So Good….
Streaks, Trends and Opportunities Part I
Streaks, Trends and Opportunities Part II
Streaks, Trends and Opportunities Part III
Streaks, Trends and Opportunities Part IV
Streaks, Trends and Opportunities Part V
Streaks, Trends and Opportunities Part VI
Streaks, Trends and Opportunities Part VII
D’ya Wanna Win, or D’ya Wanna Gamble?
D’ya Wanna Win, or D’ya Wanna Gamble? Part II
D’ya Wanna Win, or D’ya Wanna Gamble? Part III
D’ya Wanna Win, or D’ya Wanna Gamble? Part IV
D’ya Wanna Win, or D’ya Wanna Gamble? Part V
D’ya Wanna Win, or D’ya Wanna Gamble? Part VI
D’ya Wanna Win, or D’ya Wanna Gamble? Part VII
How To Get There From Here Part 1
How To Get There From Here Part 2
How To Get There From Here Part 3
How To Get There From Here Part 4
How To Get There From Here Part 5
How To Get There From Here Part 6
How To Get There From Here Part 7
How To Get There From Here Part 8
How To Get There From Here Part 9
How To Get There From Here Part 10 August 2006 
How To Get There From Here  Part 11 August 2006 
How To Get There From Here  Part 12 August 2006
How To Get There From Here Part 14 August 2006  
How To Get There From Here Part 15 August 2006

5) On the Road With The Mad Professor

Gilligan, the Skipper, and The Mad Professor  
Patterns, Prostitutes, Progressions, Pageantry and Profits  
Atlantic City Journal  
Great Time At Terrible Casino  
You Had To Be There (Part I)  
You Had To Be There (Part II)  
The Great Northeast Road Trip Part I  
The Great Northeast Road Trip Part II  
The Great Northeast Road Trip Part III  
The Great Northeast Road Trip Part IV
The Great Northeast Road Trip Part V  
The Great Northeast Road Trip Part VI  
The Great Northeast Road Trip Part VII  
Home at the Hard Rock Casino – Hotel  
Laughlin Table Report Part I  
Laughlin Table Report Part II  
Cheap Craps Guide Part I  
Cheap Craps Guide Part II   
Cheap Craps Guide Part III  
Cheap Craps Guide Part IV  
Cheap Craps Guide Part V    
Cheap Craps Guide Part VI
Match-Play Coupon Circuit Part I  
Match-Play Coupon Circuit Part II  
Match-Play Coupon Circuit Part III  
Match-Play Coupon Circuit Part IV
Match-Play Coupon Circuit Part V  
Match-Play Coupon Circuit Part VI  
Match-Play Coupon Circuit Part VII
Match-Play Coupon Circuit Part VIII
Keep Your Volcano and Pass the Dice
Keep Your Volcano and Pass the Dice Part II

6) Walking With A Vegas Ghost

Walking with a Vegas Ghost – Part I
Walking with a Vegas Ghost – Part II
Walking with a Vegas Ghost – Part III
Walking with a Vegas Ghost – Part IV
Walking with a Vegas Ghost – Part V
Walking with a Vegas Ghost – Part VI
Mad Professor’s Mini Tub Tour – Part I
Mad Professor’s Mini Tub Tour – Part II
Mad Professor’s Mini Tub Tour – Part III
Mad Professor’s Mini Tub Tour – Part IV
Mad Professor’s Mini Tub Tour – Part V
Mad Professor’s Mini Tub Tour – Part VI
Mad Professor’s Mini Tub Tour – Part VII
Mad Professor’s Mini Tub Tour – Part VIII
Mad Professor’s Mini Tub Tour – Part IX
Mad Professor’s Mini Tub Tour – Part X
Mad Professor’s Mini Tub Tour – Part XI
Mad Professor’s Mini Tub Tour – Part XII
Mad Professor’s Mini Tub Tour – Part XIV
Mad Professor’s Mini Tub Tour – Part XV

7) Essentials For Survival

Random Thoughts From The Mad Professor
More Random Thoughts From The Mad Professor
If Only I Knew Then What I Know Now
The Shimmering Casino Lights Don’t Shine Because of Winners!
Making Adjustments in Craps…and in Life
The River of Consistency Leads to Lake Profit  
Control the Dice, and your NERVES
Potholes on the Road to Success
When Opportunity Knocks
Long Tables = Po$$ibilitie$ Part I
Long Tables = Po$$ibilitie$ Part II
Long Tables = Po$$ibilitie$ Part III
Long Tables = Po$$ibilitie$ Part IV
Long Tables = Po$$ibilitie$ Part V
New Dice, New Opportunity
Discipline, Character & Consistency Part I
Discipline, Character & Consistency Part II
Discipline, Character & Consistency Part III
Long Tables = Po$$ibilitie$ Part III
Long Tables = Po$$ibilitie$ Part IV
Long Tables = Po$$ibilitie$ Part V
New Dice, New Opportunity
Discipline, Character & Consistency Part I
Discipline, Character & Consistency Part II
Discipline, Character & Consistency Part III
Discipline, Character & Consistency Part IV
How Do You Do It?
Mine Is Smaller Than Yours
Conquering Micro-Fiber Table-Felt
How To Get It, and How To Keep It
How To Get It, and How To Keep It Part 2
How To Get It, and How To Keep It Part 3
How To Get It, and How To Keep It Part 4
How To Get It, and How To Keep It Part 5
How To Get It, and How To Keep It Part 6
How To Get It, and How To Keep It Part 7
How To Get It, and How To Keep It Part 8
How To Get It, and How To Keep It Part 9
How To Get It, and How To Keep It Part 10
How To Get It, and How To Keep It Part 11
How To Get It, and How To Keep It Part 12
How To Get It and How to Keep ItPart 14 August 2006
How To Get It and How to Keep It Part 15August 2006
Regression Avoids Depression
Regression Avoids Depression Part 2
Regression Avoids Depression Part 3
Regression Avoids Depression Part IV
Regression Avoids Depression Part 5
Regression Avoids Depression Part 6
Regression Avoids Depression Part 7
Regression Avoids Depression Part 8
Regression Avoids Depression Part 9
Regression Avoids Depression Part 10
Regression Avoids Depression Part 11
Regression Avoids Depression Part 13
Regression Avoids Depression Part 14
Regression Avoids Depression Part 15
Regression Avoids Depression Part 16 March 2006
Regression Avoids DepressionPart 17 May, 2006
Regression Avoids DepressionPart 18 June 2006
Regression Avoids Depression  Part 19 June 2006
Regression Avoids DepressionPart 20 July 2006
Regression Avoids DepressionPart 21 July 2006

8) Mad Professor’s Playbook & Other Methods

A Peek Inside The Mad Professor’s Playbook
I Want A Fool-Proof System…& I Need It NOW!?
Bill & Ted’s Excellent System
A Fresh Look at Old Systems  
Haven’t You Ever Heard of the Pass Line?
What Are You Doing When You Retire?
On Put Bets and Precision Shooting
A Roundtable with Heavy and the Mad Professor

Here Today…Broke Tomorrow
Can’t Win For Losing
Can’t Win For Losing Part II
Can’t Win For Losing Part III
Can’t Win For Losing Part IV
Mama Said There Would Be Days Like This Part I
Mama Said There Would Be Days Like This Part II
Can Frequency Compensate For Shortness?
The Fremont Hot-Table Method
Flushing Money Down The Random-Roller Toilet
Matching Bets to Your Shooting Ability
You Can’t Shine a Cow-Patty…or CAN You?
You Can’t Shine a Cow-Patty…or CAN You? Part II
Craps Tournaments… The Basics and Beyond
Craps Tournaments… Going For The Gold
Craps Tournaments… Zigging, Zagging and Zinging
Craps Tournaments…Seize the Lead To Seize the Gold  March 2006
Game Within A Game…Profiting From Your Come Out Cycle Part I March 2006
Game Within A Game…Profiting From Your Come Out Cycle Part II May 2006

9) Professional Players & Other Social Miscreants

Life is Craps According to Pittsburgh Johnnie
The Lady Is A PRO!
Are You A Friggin’ Idiot?
Eugene…Wake Up…It’s Your Turn to Roll!
It’s Time To Go When….
The Sweetest Roller This Side of Heaven
I Never Met Ben Franklin Either… A Tribute To MickeyD

10) Miscellaneous Musings…

Aren’t You A Little Too Old To Believe In The Tooth Fairy?
The World Is NOT Flat ..& You Can Bet On THAT!
It’s Not Nice To Fool Mother Nature
The Tortoise, the Hare, and the Pit Bull
Okay, Who Cooked the Golden Goose?  Part I
Okay, Who Cooked the Golden Goose? Part II
Is Dice-Setting an Illusion?
How YOU Improved MY Game
Wine, Women, Song…and Craps
I’m Glad It’s Your Money
I’m Glad It’s Your Money Part II
If You Want Instant Success…
Slaughtering A Sacred Cow
Blasphemy…courtesy of The Mad Professor
Keeping A Good Thing Going
Professional Precision-Shooter vs Full-Time Gambler
Banning Players…Can’t Happen…Won’t Happen…Ooops!
C’mon Shooter, We Need a Hard Eight!
On Dice…On Wong…On Ourselves

11) Living on The Darkside

Dodging Bullets As A Darksider Part I
Dodging Bullets As A Darksider Part II
FAQ’s About The Choppy-Table/Short-Leash Method Part I
FAQ’s About The Choppy-Table/Short-Leash Method Part II
FAQ’s About The Choppy-Table/Short-Leash Method Part III
Shooting From The Don’ts…A Journey of Opportunity – Part 1
Shooting From The Don’ts…A Journey of Opportunity – Part 2
Shooting From The Don’ts…A Journey of Opportunity – Part 3
Shooting From The Don’ts…A Journey of Opportunity – Part 4
Shooting From The Don’ts…A Journey of Opportunity – Part 5
Shooting From The Don’ts…A Journey of Opportunity – Part 6
Shooting From The Don’ts…A Journey of Opportunity – Part 7
Shooting From The Don’ts…A Journey of Opportunity – Part 8
Shooting From The Don’ts…A Journey of Opportunity – Part 9
Shooting From The Don’ts…A Journey of Opportunity – Part 10
Shooting From The Don’ts…A Journey of Opportunity – Part 11
Shooting from the Don’t…A Journey of Opportunity – Part 12
(FYI – There is No #13)
Shooting from the Don’t…A Journey of Opportunity – Part 14 March 2006
Shooting from the Don’t… A Journey of Opportunity – Part 15 April 2006

12) The Shooting Bible

Mad Professor’s Shooting Bible   Part I
Mad Professor’s Shooting Bible   Part II
Mad Professor’s Shooting Bible   Part III
Mad Professor’s Shooting Bible   Part IV
Mad Professor’s Shooting Bible   Part V
Mad Professor’s Shooting Bible   Part VI
Mad Professor’s Shooting Bible   Part VII
Mad Professor’s Shooting Bible   Part VIII
Mad Professor’s Shooting Bible   Part IX
Mad Professor’s Shooting Bible   Part X
Mad Professor’s Shooting Bible   Part XI
Mad Professor’s Shooting Bible   Part XII – Spin Control Chapter 1
Mad Professor’s Shooting Bible   Part XII – Spin Control Chapter 2
Mad Professor’s Shooting Bible Part XIVMay 2006
(FYI – There is No #13)
Mad Professor’s Shooting Bible Part XV May 2006

13) Mad Professor’s Shooting Laboratory Tour

Mad Professor’s Precision-Shooting Laboratory May 2006
Mad Professor’s Precision-Shooting Laboratory Part 2 August 2006
