Unbelievable Results!

by | Feb 24, 2024

Please remember!  These are archives!  The Dice Setter message board was shut down. What is published here are just a few of the threads documenting the early days of dice setting strategies and opinions written by the pioneers of dice influencing.

Mickey D

Well, my first foray into real money rhythm shooting was a dismal failure and I was honestly shocked. As I previously mentioned, I built a pretty good practice table and have made well over a 1600 rolls on it with simulated betting. Out of seven “sessions” I only had one really bad time where I would have lost my bank roll. Every other time, I made as little as a couple hundred dollars up to over $1500. Naturally, I couldn’t wait to get to the real tables. I was charged up about the concept and sold on my practice results.

So I went out and to Mohegan Sun, here in Connecticut, bought in for $400 on a five dollar table and started with making only one pass line bet for the minimum with full 2X odds. I eventually made a pass or two and progressed by adding one come bet with my minimum PL bet. But, In three hours I never made one of those come bets!! Actually, I think I only made six or seven passes the entire time. I was definitely nervous when I first started but quickly settled down. I got to the tables early in the day so they weren’t too crowded. There wasn’t a lot of chip traffic so there wasn’t a problem finding my target from stick right. But I kept going six or less and out. And except for when I knew I made a bad throw and expected the seven, I was really surprised when that ugly so and so showed her face. My grip was good, I was hitting the target, and I could actually see the dice spinning on their axels as they were in flight. It was almost like watching the action in slow motion! When I would see that great spin I was positive it would yield the result I kept getting in practice, but fate had other plans. The dice would land and bang: a seven! I just couldn’t believe it. What was really frustrating was that there were random shooters making nice long runs and making good money while I stood around not betting waiting to get my turn only to go down in flames.

Well, I’m still hopefull that keeping calm and sticking to the method will produce positive results. I’ll report back on the next trip!


Glad to hear you still remain positive even after a bad first trip to the tables.

A couple of comments: First, don’t completely forget about the other shooters. Chart the other shooters and jump in if your chart results indicates a potential good roll.

Second, spending 3 hours at the same table with negative results is probably not the best approach. Remember to take a break from the table if your results are not positive. Give it a half hour to 1 hour and try again. If you have another casino to go to try that.

Keep positive and keep practicing … and good luck on your next foray!


Micky, I’m glad to see your resolve in continuing your efforts to become a precision shooter.Your results were not that bad for your first time in a casino environment.Just like the EPA sticker on those cars that Heavys company sells “your results may vary”. I have been on the quest for many years and have found that I usually wont see a good result until I have had a couple of hands at a particular table and can make some adjustments in my grip,toss landing zone etc.Also when results are below your expectations moving to another table isnt a bad idea.A break or change of scenery will help sometimes where beating your head against a wall will do no good.

As you learn more about yourself as a shooter and what it takes for YOU to be sucsessful,your results will improve.You will start to notice small things about the table ,dice or your toss that you can alter to make it easier for you to make a profit.Its all a learning process that takes time and effort. Good luck and keep working at it.


Hang in there, when the same thing happens to me. If i set and throw bad, i will just pass the dice,and bet the Dark side if random player are throwing.

Dice Doctor

Mickey…keep at it on your home practice table. This is like any other sport/skill you have learned in the past. After a few times out you will find your range and comfort level in real action. Be sure you are landing your dice on the same spot every time and avoid some of the bad spots, most every table has them. You will learn this with time and perhaps some charting of the tables you play. Just like the golfers do, we should be scouting and charting all of the “greens” we play. Not every table is for every shooter, unless you can shoot from several different poaitions around the table. In my experience, only the most seasoned players have achieved that level of mastery. Check out Heavys articles as well as the Mad Professor. Keep rollin

Follow Up – I Knew It!

Mickey D

Well I went back to Mohegan Sun for day two of the dice setting experiment. Bought in for $300 and made minimum $5 bets with 2x odds. I was a lot calmer here on day two, but the results were just about the same…. …At first. I was on a table with only three shooters so I had plenty of chances but would go less than six and out. I just kept calm, though and trusted that technique would come through. At one point I threw a 4 and then about fifteen throws later I sevened out. I couldn’t take advantage of the 15 rolls because my bank roll was in shambles. I didn’t want to risk losing chips and the opportunity to keep the experiment going. Like Pablo said, I went to a different table. There were three shooters ahead of me. The table was choppy at best when the dice came to me. This time everything clicked! I only made three or four passes, but a bunch of numbers, held the dice for at least fifteen minutes before I sevened out. Each time there after I held the dice for a lot longer than anybody else at the table and made multiple passes with lots of numbers in between. When I first got going, I only had $100 of my original $300 in the racks and cashed out with a total of $784, over a six hundred dollar come back! Wow unbelievable results!!!!

Observations: This day was alot different than the first from a mental perspective. The first day I was scared of the seven, I made good throws but couldn’t make a thing. Day two was different because I really wanted the dice. I wanted to go after the seven and make all the numbers around it, and I did a pretty good job it. It really boosts your confidence when, lets say you’re going after a 6 with the flying “V” and it isn’t hitting, and you also have a come bet on the 4. So you switch off and set the mini “V” and hit the four. You don’t make alot of noise about it but a real sly smile sneaks up into the corner of your mouth. When that happens you feel like the king of the hill and can’t wait to see what damage you’ll do on the next roll. That’s the major difference. You’re not thinking about the seven, you’re only thinking about the numbers, trusting in your technique. I’m just glad this thing proved itself out before I had to sell my body for playing money! And that would have put me in a real fix!!


Hey Mickey, The most important thing that you said in your post was the word confidence.When you talk to great athletes in whatever sport they will tell you that “you must have trust”.Throw a baseball,football,bowling ball,dart or dice, to make a good shot you must have confidence in your throw to make it good everytime.When this confidence is high your mind and body are relaxed and muscle memory takes over and the throw is on autopilot.When the confidence is low your body tenses up and the mind clouds,and interferes with your natural motion which leads to a poor shot.Pitchers and bowlers talk about squeezing a shot or pitch.This means that they didnt trust their motion and gripped to tightly and had a poor result.Remember that feeling of confidence and try to replicate it in your next practice session.Remember its confidence not a casual attitude,its knowing you will make the shot not impartiallity.

Mad Professor


Great Session Report!

One of the things that continually pleases me, is when a new Precision-Shooter converts from being an “I-hope-that-this-thing- works” kind of player, into an “I-can’t-believe-that-other-people- are-so-bull-headed-about-believing-in-my-success” convert.

Welcome to success. Your next task is to continue practising and to evolve your method of betting so that you can profitably take advantage of your rolls much earlier in your hand.

Good Luck -&- CONTINUED Good Skill at the Tables.
