Dice Setter Precision Shooter’s Newsletter: July 2014

by | Mar 1, 2024

Volume 14 : Issue  7 
In This Edition:Atlantic City First Flower to Fade…
Gaming Supplies…
Who Ya Gonna Call?

Soft Touch Says – Thanks to all of you who took a few minutes to respond to our survey in the last newsletter. As you can tell, we are still here – by popular request. Bless you all for the kind words and unanimous voice that DiceSetter.com is on track for your gaming needs and information. I promise to keep the lights on.

Soft Touch 

Atlantic City First Flower to Fade…

I can’t say that I told you so or that you heard it here first at DiceSetter.com, but just as a follow up to last months article addressing customer “service”,  Atlantic City is losing four casinos going bankrupt. All to be shut by this fall. According to an article by Suzette Parmley, “McClatchy-Tribune”, July, 2014, Atlantic City has lost close to one half of the revenue since 2007.

Partly to blame, of course, would be the crashed economy. Partly to blame on Pit Bull’s gnarly personality. Naw, just joking about the Bull. But more than that, competition form other states legalizing gaming and on-line gaming options.

So, Mr. Pit Bull, if you are reading this, do you think the treatment of players may change from, “We don’t want stinking dice setters messing up our game!”, to Wal-Mart’s “Service with a smile” greeting players at the door with, “Come on in boys, glad to see ya again. Can I get you anything? Anything, just ask. You’re my guest.”

With the demise of four Atlantic City casinos, perhaps the days of gruff and rude treatment toward dice setters are numbered too. At best, we can hope that the days are numbered for employees, who would rather harass customers than respect which side their bread is buttered.

E. Jones

Reader’s Letter:

Recently, reading your e-mail from the “pit bull” I was reminded of a conversation I had with a female floor manager of a very large Indian casino in southern California. After several hours of play and an average bet over $150, I was astounded to find out that the casino was “generously” crediting me with 5 points toward my players club score. I found this out as I requested my points upon coloring up to leave. This is something I learned to do on your website after a number of disappointing prior experiences.

When I inquired as to how my score was calculated, I was informed that it was due to my occasional off-setting hedge bets. When I mentioned that I have been playing for over 30 years, including many years at this casino and had never experienced a point score this low, I was informed that this was the rule and he was only doing as instructed by management. Had the point score been slightly miscalculated, I would have been disappointed but just dropped it and chalked it up to the vicissitudes of life. After all, it’s obvious that the gaming industry isn’t doing well and “we are only guests in their home” after all – right. But the ridiculously small amount of points struck a nerve with me and I asked to speak to the floor manager.

I was informed that she was busy and I replied politely that I would wait. When she appeared after an hours wait, she lit into me. I was shocked. As previously mentioned, after 30 years of playing craps throughout the United States, the Caribbean and a Europe, I have met all types of casino employees. Some more personable than others but generally helpful, courteous and most actually enjoying what they do for a living and understanding that customers are the lifeblood of their livelihood. This lady informed me that I was not a desirable customer. Their management philosophy was to encourage the small, retiree who lived locally and came in daily and stayed all day every day. Presumably, until the casino had their last dollar.

When I replied that I was a long time customer who routinely received a volume of offers from the numerous casinos under the brand that also ran her casino, often three or more per week from her own casino, she replied that it was a mistake and ruining the business. She said that maybe the Vegas and Reno markets needed to entice visitors but Indian casinos had local, presumably “captive”, populations and they were changing their ways. Her comments and obviously aggressive manner took my breath away. As I tried to gather my thoughts to form a reply, she abruptly said “that’s the way it is” turned, strode off determinedly and left me standing there within five feet of a now thoroughly quieted and full craps table. As personally embarrassing as this event was to me, I wonder what was going through the minds of the folks still standing at the table. Most of which had witnessed the entire event and at least half of which had previously played with me over several hours that day. Maybe “pit bull” is just another sign of an industry in trouble. By the way, Indian casinos in California only play “REAL CRAP” card craps. Hate to think what the attitude might have been if I was dice setting… Any thoughts?

Disappointed in CA

Recommended Resource:

Our web page with craps table plans is among the more visited pages here at DiceSetter.com. I discovered A Casino Product for casino/gaming supplies. I ordered a custom craps layout. The price was reasonable. Delivery was quick. I was satisfied with the product and service. Also, those of you building your own table, this is where you can find chip rail and corners for your table along with diamond rubber. Again the prices are less than other sites I visited. Dice Setter is not advertizing this site and does not stand to make any profit for the recommendation. As with any investment, check it out first. The company is in Las Vegas.

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