Proposition Bet Payoffs

by | Aug 1, 2024

Now for the worst and MOST FUN wagers on the table.  Proposition bets.  You can memorize this page if you wish, but when it comes to the proposition bets;

“Know the payoffs on bets you’re making, and make only bets that you know the payoffs!”

For no other reason, by the time you’re finished with this page, you will have a higher appreciation for dealers, because keeping track of proposition bets for eight hours would be a bear.

With some prop bets, I’ll be able to provide some shortcuts, on others only memorization will do.   So, in no particular order:

C & E

If you’re going to place a C & E bet, make it easy on yourself AND the dealers, by placing equal amounts on both the C and E.  Given equal amounts for each bet, the formula for payoff is three times the TOTAL C & E bet if craps (2,3,12) is rolled, or seven times the TOTAL C & E bet if 11 is rolled.

Total C & E Bet AmountCraps Payoff (3 x total wagered)Eleven Payoff (7 x total wagered)
$2 (one dollar each C & E)$6$14

So how do most players figure out the payoff?  They do it rather stupidly.  If a craps rolled with a $2 C & E bet, they would say craps pays 7 to 1, minus the $1 lost on the eleven portion of the wager, for a total of $6.  If the 11 had rolled, they would calculate $1 times 15 to 1, minus the $1 lost for the craps portion of the wager for a total of $14. 

The stupid way seems simple enough, right? How about if you parlayed that $2 C & E win on the eleven?  You’re paid $14 and up with the original $2, for a total of a $16 C & E bet. NOW, what’s the payoff if the 11 hits again?

Using the shortcut: $16 x 7 = (10 x 7) + (6 x 7) = $112 or the stupid way: $8 x 15 = (8 x 10) + (8 x 5) = 120 – $8 = $112

How to figure out payoff is up to you, I prefer the shortcut.

2 or 12 / 3 or 11

Individually, these prop bets pay either 15 to 1 or 30 to 1.  The fact is, you’re gonna have to do some math or some serious memorization:

Amount Wagered2 or 12 Payoff Formula = 3 times wager & add a 03 or 11 Payoff Formula = 11/2  times wager & add a 0
$1$30 (3 x 1 = 3 add 0 for 30)$15 (1.5 x 1 = 1.50 add 0 for $15)

2 and 12 are easy, whereas many people get confused with 3 and 11 when the wagers get larger.  

Horn Bets

Horn bet calculations are not too bad.  Since there are two different payoff structures (15:1 and 30:1), there are two formulas.  Though some casinos will allow you to make horn bets in increments OTHER than $4, I’d recommend keeping to the norm, sticking to increments of $4.

Amount Wagered2 or 12 Payoff Formula = 7 times wagered amount – (wagered amount / 4)3 or 11 Payoff Formula = 3 times wagered amount
$4$27 (7 x 4) – ($4 / 4)$12 (3 x $4)
$8$54 (7 x 8) – ($8 / 4)$24

You could also remember horn bets this way.  If you think of every increment of $4 as a unit on the horn, you could then multiply $27 times the number of units if the 2 or 12 hits or $12 times the number of units if the 3 or 11 hit.

Horn High Bets

If you don’t already know what it is, a “Horn High” bet is a horn bet, with an additional wager on a specific horn number.  So a “$5 Horn High Yo” is horn bet with $1 each on 2,12, and 3 and $2 on the eleven.  You can also have “Horn High Ace-Duece”, “Horn High 12” or “Horn High Aces”.  Frankly, I think most people who make Horn High bets haven’t the vaguest idea what they’re supposed to be paid.  If you’re in a sawdust joint where there are a lot of break in dealers, you’d better know the payoffs or in all likelihood, you’ll be underpaid.

Since there are four possibilities of Horn High Bets, you get four tables:

Horn High Yo

Amount WageredIf Yo,2 or 12 is rolled
Formula = 5 x wager + amount of # that was rolled
If 3 is rolled
Formula = 2 x wager plus amount on # that rolled
$5Yo = $27 (5 x $5) + ($2 on 11)
12 or 2 = $26 (5 x $5) + ($1 on 2/12)
$11 (2 x $5) + $1 on 3
$10Yo = $54 (5 x $10) + ($4 on 11)
12 or 2 = $52 (5 x $10) + ($2 on 2/12)
$22 (2 x $10) + $2 on 3
$15Yo = $81 (5 x $15) + ($6 on 11)
12 or 2 = $78 (5 x $15) + ($3 on 2/12)
$33 (2 x $15) + $3 on 3
$20Yo = $108 (5 x $20) + ($8 on 11)
12 or 2 = $104 (5 x $20) + ($4 on 2/12)
$44 (2 x $20) + $4 on 3

Beginning to have an appreciation for dealers????

Horn High Ace-Deuce

Amount WageredIf Ace-Deuce,2 or 12 is rolled
Formula = 5 x wager + amount of # that was rolled
If 11 is rolled
Formula = 2 x wager plus amount on # that rolled
$5Yo = $27 (5 x $5) + ($2 on 11)
12 or 2 = $26 (5 x $5) + ($1 on 2/12)
$11 (2 x $5) + $1 on 3
$10Yo = $54 (5 x $10) + ($4 on 11)
12 or 2 = $52 (5 x $10) + ($2 on 2/12)
$22 (2 x $10) + $2 on 3
$15Yo = $81 (5 x $15) + ($6 on 11)
12 or 2 = $78 (5 x $15) + ($3 on 2/12)
$33 (2 x $15) + $3 on 3
$20Yo = $108 (5 x $20) + ($8 on 11)
12 or 2 = $104 (5 x $20) + ($4 on 2/12)
$44 (2 x $20) + $4 on 3

Horn High Twelve

If 12 is rolled
Formula = 11 x wager + amount on the 12
If 3 or 11 is rolled
Formula = 2 x wager plus amount on # that rolled
If aces is rolled
Formula = 5 x wager plus amount on aces
$5$57 (11 x $5) + ($2 on 12)$11 (2 x $5) + $1 on 3/11$26 (5 x $5) + $1 on 2
$10$114 (11 x $10) + ($4 on 12)$22 (2 x $10) + $2 on 3/11$52 (5 x $10) + $2 on 2
$15$171 (11 x $15) + ($6 on 12)$33 (2 x $15) + $3 on 3/11$78 (5 x $15) + $3 on 2
$20$228 (11 x $20) + ($8 on 12)$44 (2 x $20) + $4 on 3/11$104 (5 x $20) + $4 on 2

Horn High Aces

If 2 is rolled
Formula = 11 x wager + amount on the 2
If 3 or 11 is rolled
Formula = 2 x wager plus amount on # that rolled
If 12 is rolled
Formula = 5 x wager plus amount on 12
$5$57 (11 x $5) + ($2 on 2)$11 (2 x $5) + $1 on 3/11$26 (5 x $5) + $1 on 12
$10$114 (11 x $10) + ($4 on 2)$22 (2 x $10) + $2 on 3/11$52 (5 x $10) + $2 on 12
$15$171 (11 x $15) + ($6 on 2)$33 (2 x $15) + $3 on 3/11$78 (5 x $15) + $3 on 12
$20$228 (11 x $20) + ($8 on 2)$44 (2 x $20) + $4 on 3/11$104 (5 x $20) + $4 on 12

Whirl Bets

Whirl bet calculations are a breeze.  If the 7 is rolled, it’s a push.  Otherwise:

Amount WageredIf Ace-Deuce or 11 is rolled
Formula = 2 x wager + amount on # that was rolled
If 2 or 12 is rolled
Formula = 5 x wager plus amount on # that rolled
$5$11 (2 x $5) + ($1 on 11 or 3)$26 (5 x $5) + $1 on 3
$10$22 (2 x $10) + ($2 on 11 or 3)$52(5 x $10) + $2 on 3
$15$33 (2 x $15) + ($3 on 11 or 3)$78 (5 x $15) + $3 on 3
$20$44 (2 x $20) + ($4 on 11 or 3)$104 (5 x $20) + $4 on 3

Three Way Craps

Don’t confuse three way craps with “Any Craps”.  A three way craps wager is made in increments of $3, one dollar each on the 2,12,and 3.  It’s paid according to the following table:

Three Way Craps
Amount WageredIf 2 or 12 is rolled
Formula = 9 x wager + amount on # that was rolled
If ace-deuce is rolled
Formula = 4 x wager plus amount on the 3
$3$28 (9 x $3) + ($1 on 2 or 12)$13 (4 x $3) + $1 on 3
$6$56 (9 x $6) + ($2 on 2 or 12)$26 (4 x $6) + $2 on 3
$9$84 (9 x $9) + ($3 on 2 or 12)$39 (4 x $9) + $3 on 3
$12$112 (2 x $12) + (4 on 2 or 12)$52 (4 x $12) + $4 on 3

That covers the basic proposition bets.  There are many, MANY, variations of these bets with catchy names.  Again, I must emphasize that if you don’t understand the payoff, don’t make the wager.  Good luck!

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See You At The Tables,  

Soft Touch
