Mini V Here I come!

by | Feb 25, 2024

Please remember!  These are archives!  The Dice Setter message board was shut down. What is published here are just a few of the threads documenting the early days of dice setting strategies and opinions written by the pioneers of dice influencing. ad!


If you saw the practice data I recently posted, I mentioned giving the mini-v a good test.  I started last night with mixed but promising results.  The largest problem when changing sets is that you don’t know what your signature series of numbers is and therefore it’s difficult to know what and how much to wager without that knowledge…


So with that in mind how many practice rolls untill you do know what your signature #s are and do feel comfortable making bets on 500, 1000?

I did not see your practice data so I’m not sure.



The data I was speaking about was posted Friday night here:

I’ll have some indication this week on the mini V as I plan to practice quite a bit before I see you this Friday….


As some of you know I use a variation of the Mini V set which I have used for quite a while.

Bill Collins


Just looked over your posted practice data for crossed-sixes and I have a question.  Do you remember the longest string of “non-field” numbers you encountered?

I am thinking about using the crossed-sixes with me as the shooter…for a Grand Martindale on the Field Bet: $5, $15, $35, $75, $155, $310…with a $200 [win/quit]goal. [You win $5 on each and every field bet made, whether won or lost…so long as you don’t lose 6 bets IN A ROW, in which case you lose your ass.]

Which means that if I can get past 40 Field bets made without having a string of  6 straight losses on the Field Bet, I walk with a $200 win.  

With crossed-sixes, there is a 50-50 chance of throwing a field number on ever throw…then, in Vegas, there is the double payoff on the 2 and triple payoff on the 12, which should give you an overall advantage. Where this is really sweet is when you are up to the $75 field betting level and you pop a 12 for a triple payoff!

So, Irish, do you remember your longest string of non-field numbers during these sessions? Thanks for the info you posted. BTW, I practice daily on my practice table and will be checking out how this grand martindale field bet plays out before trying it in a casino.  



Actually I don’t keep that particular piece of data.  The problem with the crossed sixes and the field is it’s feast or famine.

I’ve told this story before, but I get the dice and the guy next to me is betting $300 a throw on the field.  I establish a point of 9, he wins $300, I throw a 12 he wins $900, I throw aces he wins $600.  He’s up $1800, when I string together six straight NON field numbers and he’s back at square one…..

If you know YOUR signature numbers, it could work, but I throw the five A LOT, sometimes several times in a row…

Hope this helps.


The positive practice results continue with the mini – V.  So far I’ve averaged a seven in every nine throws, but the biggest benefit has been the reduction in the appearance of trash.  Will probably give it a go this coming weekend in Reno…..

BTW, like roadrunner, I rotate the right die one quarter turn…..


So you have 6 up 5 facing and 5 up 4 facing like I am using?  Any preference as to which is on the outside?


I did the calculations on the edge on the field bet when shooting the crossed sixes awhile back. Seems like it’s around 11.1% in favor of the shooter.  



for practice I’ve been starting with the classic mini – V, with the ace (L) 4 (R) facing me.  Then I roll the right die back one quarter turn so that I have the 3 on top and the 2 facing me on the right die.  It may be superstitious, but I don’t like having the sevens on the same plane for any avoidance set, so in this case I have the 5/2 on the horizontal plane of the left die, and I have the 5/2 on the vertical plane of the right die…  Good results so far!

Bill Collins


Your post of that info is what started me off in this direction. 11.1% shooter advantage…well, maybe when you shoot! Not when I shoot, at least not yet!  

I know I threw way too many sessions today, as I was tired even during the third session and it was a struggle to keep my throw anywhere near consistant after tiring….but, I was anxious to “see some data” on my idea, so I blundered onward.

I may try cutting the Grand Martindale off at the $75 loss level and see if that produces more winning sessions and fewer/lower loses.  

(As for Grand Martindales, I love to give the casino as narrow a window to beat me in as possible! 20 to 40 bets decided doesn’t give them too much of an opportunity to string the numbers together that beat you.)


Thanks Irish!

I’m still a little confused about the 2-5 planes.  It seems to me that the 25 axis is on the vertical of the left die and 25 is on the horizontal on the right die.  Did I miss something?

Zekes set I use is the A-C set not A-B as stated earlier.

If you rotate your set 180 on the vertical and forward 90 you have the AC (65 54).



here’s a picture of my mini-v set.  The first picture is the classic mini V, the second is how I throw it with the right die rotated backward 1/4 turn.  You’ll notice the 5 and 2 of the left die are on horizontal planes, and the 5 and 2 of the right die are on vertical planes.  (I’m not speaking of axes here)

Bill Collins

I ran some totals today on my yesterdays’ sessions, listed above and see that I threw 10 percent more field numbers than the casino would have expected me to throw. 100 out of 185 throws  or 54 percent were field numbers.

                   185 total rolls made
random roller would expect to roll 44.44% field numbers, or 82 field #’s
  (16 winners out of 36 possible outcomes from a random roll),
crossed 6’s dice set would expect to roll 50% field numbers, or 92.5 field #’s
  (8 winners out of 16 possilble outcomes from a crossed 6’s set), with a double payoff on 2 and 12’s.
these sessions produced 54% field numbers, or 100 field #’s thrown out of 185 rolls from 12′ distance on my practice table at home.

Will get to try this out in the real world this Sunday at the riverboats at Lawrenceburg/Rising Sun, IN  the Arbosy and Grand Victoria Casinos. It will be interesting to see if I can win some money there using “this system”.
